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Elysian Monroe

The room I was in felt extra hot. I softly yawned and tried to move. Before I could move any further, I felt another body on top of mine.

I opened my eyes and looked down, the events of last night came to mind. We talked and watched movies most of the night. When the food was done, we ate and talked some more.

I'm not sure how we ended up on the couch cuddled next to one another by a fire but, it felt, nice. I heard her softly mumble something and then she adjusted her position against me. Her head was now resting in the center of my chest and her legs tangled in mine.

I knew it was still late in the night, I could still see the night sky from the window. So, there was no reason to move nor wake her.

I softly sighed, I wasn't sure what to do from this point forward. I didn't know how I was to act. We didn't speak about the kiss nor do we do it again. Though, I must admit, I really wanted to.

We'll take things slow from here, whatever the hell that means. This is a good start though, this was a chance for her to see a part of myself. I've never taken anyone here, not even Kia.

This, is where I stayed during my disappearance. I shook my head and looked down at the sleeping woman. I won't think of this place for the bad memories it holds instead, I'll work to fill it with good ones.

I slightly shifted and I felt her hand softly grip my shirt. I tilted my head to see her hand and I lowly chuckled. It soon hit me that, she probably hasn't been cuddled like this in a while.

I made sure to limit my movements to ensure she slept well, I didn't want to wake her nor disturb possibly the best sleep she's had in ages.

I tilted my head back and looked up at the ceiling. Before my thoughts could wonder, I felt her slightly stir.

"Cherie, please, please don't." She pleaded

Cherie? Who's Cherie? I wanted to search the name but, I had no clue where my phone was. It was probably not in arms reach. I lowly sighed, if I didn't look it up now, it'll haunt my mind and I'll be unable to sleep

I softly sighed, it could be the woman she had an affair with. I shook my head, I don't remember seeing that on her profile but then again, she could've been using a fake name.

Though, I highly doubt she would be dreaming about another woman while on top of me. I sighed, I really couldn't be too sure about that. I didn't hold that much of a place with her yet to even remotely, think that.

I tilted my head back and looked up at the ceiling once more. If I were to overthink this, I'd react differently in the morning. So, let's do the opposite.

Let's just accept the fact that she's dreaming and that it could either mean something or it doesn't. I truly hope that it doesn't mean anything but, I cannot control her dreams.

I heard her mumbling a few more words and before I could process her words, she jumped up with a start. I looked down with worry surrounding me

She placed her hand on her heart and her breath came out in harsh, fast pants. Her fingers moved around until they clasped onto her locket.

I moved my hands to her waist and it was then, that she noticed my presence. Once her eyes locked onto mine, tears began to form in her eyes. Maybe, I had assumed something completely different than her actual dream.

"Who's Cherie?" I softly asked

The name alone, made the tears quickly fall. I watched her tighten her grip on the locket as she cried. I pulled her back to my chest and allowed her tears to soak my shirt.

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