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Jungkook was waiting outside of the jimin's House

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Jungkook was waiting outside of the jimin's House . It's has been almost one week that jimin was ignoring him after what happened that night. Jungkook was waiting just to see jimin coming out from his car with jiwoon holding his school bag , it means jimin went to pick jiwoon from his school. 

As jimin saw jungkook he freeze where he was standing jiwoon ran towards jungkook making jungkook pick the kid in his arms . He surely miss this boy like he is so much adorable.  Jimin came back to reality and take long steps to get inside his house. But hold on his wrist stopped him making him closed his eyes he don't want to break down infront of him and his brother . 

" jimin can we talk please " jungkook plead making jimin nod within a second he doesn't want to make jungkook feel bad . After that jimin make jiwoon stay inside his room while he and jungkook went to terrace where jungkook hugged him tightly like he will dissappear like that day .

" I missed you , missed you so much that you can't even think please jimin why are you not picking up my calls " 

Jungkook asked but jimin just looked down didn't even utter a single word making jungkook feel someone stab in his heart with knife he lost his bubbly, cheerful jimin what did he have done.

"Jimin tell me what happened why are you ignoring me like this did i do something please "  jungkook asked holding jimin hands in his .

"Of course you are the one who created this whole fucking problem which is growing inside me " jimin yelled crying making jungkook hold him but he pushed him away . 

"What ? What do you mean by that " jungkook asked  almost like a whisper .

 " I mean is that jeon jungkook i am fucking pregnant with your child " jimin said making jungkook's eyes go wide like his whole world is shaking. 

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