5) Our Song

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For hours we just kept walking, seeing no sign of anything. While there wasn't civilization there wasn't Cranks either. There wasn't even that much heat anymore. It's like the world is just there, and we're somehow intruding on it, going into the forbidden nothingness.

"Hey,"He whisper shouted, hitting my shoulder so I would look up. After giving him a halfhearted glare I did so to see little patches of grass. While it still wasn't much, it was more than we'd seen in a while, going as far as to be more green than brown.

"Wow,"I breathed out, looking at it, then him. Just gazing at it, I saw a hopeful glint in his eyes as a small smile lit up his face. To be honest, I don't even remember the last time he looked this happy. Still, all that matters is that he does now. He just appears to have regained some of his spark that I hadn't even realized I missed so much.

"You okay?"He asked, turning to look at me.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm good,"I shrugged.

"Then let's get going,"He urged, grabbing my hand and leading me forward to who knows where. Staying beside him, I just kind of let our arms sway back and forth. "I really do think that we'll find it,"He spoke up.

"What's the plan if we do?"

"I don't really know, but if we do that means we'd have been able to stay alive long enough to find a new kind of routine."

"So what? You just want to live out here forever?"

"No. I want to live out here forever with you,"He clarified.

"So if I wasn't you were just going to walk back to the bunker?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't even leave if I didn't have you."

"Are you that afraid of being alone?"

"No. I'm afraid of being without you. If I didn't have you in the bunker with me, well, I don't really know, but I don't even want to think about it. Not even the Double T's would be enough."

"That's enough sappy stuff,"I said firmly. Rolling his eyes, he just squeezed my hand as we kept going, facing forward to remind ourselves that there was no going back.

Which backfired as my foot connected with something, nearly sending me to the ground. Luckily, Aris grabbed my arm and helped me up.

"What the hell was . . . that?"I trailed off, staring at the start of train tracks.

"You okay?"He asked, still looking at me.

"Check it out,"I instructed, lightly tapping the metal with my foot. Glancing down at the ground, we both just looked at it, wondering why there were random cut off tracks in the middle of the desert.

"Let's go,"He repeated, hopping on the rail.

"Aris, be careful,"I said quickly, following him as he balanced on his feet.

"Why?"He shrugged.

"You just, I just don't want you to be hurt out here,"I vaguely explained, glancing at his bad ankle.

"Hey, eyes up here,"He tried to joke, though I could hear the disappointment of my fear in his voice.

"I'm going to be fine, Y/N. You worry too much."

"I'm just trying to keep you safe,"I defended.

"And I appreciate it. I really do, but for just once I want to feel normal. No WICKED, no Mazes, no pasts, no bunker, no Cranks, no studies, no experiments, no limp. I just want to feel some kind of normal, the kind of normal that we didn't get to be when we were kids."

Lily Of The Valley (Aris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now