4) Happy

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Eventually, there was no heat to complain about. Just the cold night air.

I wasn't bothered by the new weather though. I just laid beside Aris as we looked at the sky.

"It's been so long since I've seen them,"He whispered, as if they would stop shining if they heard him.

"Yeah. They're even prettier than I remember."

"I used to dream about them. About the nightsky in general. About being outside. I would be in different places, but one thing would stay the same,"He sighed, closing his eyes as another smile made its way to his lips.

"What was it?"I asked. Turning his head to look at me, I think I got my answer.


"I used to dream about you too. Only it was memories. Small things like when I first met you and when you would share your sandwiches when we ate lunch. Sometimes it was just you working with me, or the times we would mess around when we were supposed to be. They all had you though."

"That's really nice to hear,"He mumbled, letting out a yawn while struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Come on. Go to sleep,"I whispered, putting my legs out. Accepting it, he laid his head on my lap while I leaned back against the rock. Letting my eyes flutter shut, I kept my hand on his back to be sure that he was here before falling asleep with him.

× ~ × ~ × ~ ×

Like usual I was up before Aris, right as the sun was rising. Staring at him, for just a moment I debated waking him.

Still, we had the rest of our lives out here. Why bother him when he's clearly getting a good night's rest?

Gently tracing my fingers on his back, I just sighed as he stayed cuddled up to me. Letting him, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, listening to his even breathing.

For a while, I just let him stay while my legs were getting numb. Still, I didn't move as I looked at the way he was still dead asleep, his hair that had grown out falling in front of his eyes. Moving it, I watched over him until my eyes accidentally traveled to his bad leg.

I still remember everything. Kind of. Some parts are a lot blurrier than others, but all of them are painful. From the screams, to the running around, to the blood, to waking up to my hearing muffled, to the dead bodies, to the people we failed, just the thought of that day kills me on the inside.

With his legs curled to his chest, I was able to touch his ankle. After arguing with myself about it for a moment I traced the scar that came with his limp.

I still remember that part of finding the bunker meant fixing ourselves up. While the Double T's stuck together it was Aris and I.

So with the supplies available I was able to properly wrap his ankle, though there was really not much else to do. Teresa had already done all there was to for the bone by snapping it back in place. I just checked on the parts I could, disinfecting that and the rest of his injuries before he did the same to me.

That day was the darkest day of my life, of all of our lives, and it always will be.

After a moment more he stirred, making me pull my hand away. Going still, I held my breath until he opened his eyes, looking right at me before yawning. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up and leaned next to me.

"You sleep well?"

"Mhm. You're a surprisingly comfortable pillow,"He shrugged.

"Wow. I have never received such a high compliment before,"I deadpanned.

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