9) Answer

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I sat there, still rubbing circles on his shoulder and staring at the ceiling, as he kept his head on my lap and slept. I also looked out the window across from me and admired the now setting sun.

Sighing, I shut my eyes as how crazy this really is came back to me. We left complete and total safety with movies and boardgames and unlimited food and cold water, to an outside world with nothing but necessities in our backpacks, a CD player, and each other. All because of a flower.

Then again, he always was the braver one of us. He always had a plan so we could do literally anything but what we were supposed to.

× ~ × ~ × ~ ×

“No, this is a terrible idea,”I hissed as he waved me inside the vents.

Despite my words, my need for him not to get caught from his impulsions will win. We both know that.

“It's a great idea. Come on,”He grinned.

“Aris, this isn't a-”
“Please? I promise we won't get caught. I promise,”He begged.

“It's dangerous. What if-”
“Please Y/N?”

“This is an awful-”
“Please, my sweet girl? Please?”He repeated, clasping his hands together as he looked up at me.

Shaking my head, I cursed him under my breath as I crawled under my bed. With his face lighting up, he waved me forward some more even though I was already going. Stepping back, he watched as I lifted the vent cover before squeezing through.

“Yay,”He whisper yelled.

“If we get caught though-”
“I won't let you get caught.”

“But if-”
“Don't worry about it, okay? I won't let something happen to you. Ever.”

“Fine. I won't worry about it,”I mumbled, following beside him before letting the silence take over.

Not the silence of my thoughts though.

“You're worrying about it, aren't you?”

“Yeah. A little,”I admitted.

“You don't have to. When have I ever let you down?”

“Just don't let today be the day,”I sighed.

“That'll never be a day. Ever. Okay?”

“Yeah. Okay,”I smiled.

“Good. Now let's go.”

× ~ × ~ × ~ ×

As he stirred I shut my eyes to feign sleep. Loosening my touch, I slumped my head while still keeping my hand on his shoulders.

Moving slightly, I felt his gaze on me. Reminding myself not to tense up, I kept my breathing even.

“My sweet girl,”He whispered so I wouldn't ‘wake up’. Praying he didn't notice my face flushing at his words, I didn't dare look down. “I owe you everything. I really do,”He stated, taking my hand. Kissing my my palm, he then started tracing the lines on my hand.

Slowly letting my eyes flutter open, I looked down at him. With a small smile, he met my stare.

“Late night adventure?”He immediately suggested.

“That would be a lot more dangerous. We won't be able to see as well. Flashlights could not only attract, but set off Cranks. There could be bad people or-”
“You can breathe. I was kidding,”He interrupted.

“Of course you were.”

“You want to play Answer?”

“We haven't played that since learning telekinesis.”

“So do you?”

“Sure. Why not,”I agreed. To be honest, I had missed that. It was like a special bond, one that nobody could take away. Nobody would know about the late night conversations. It was ours and ours alone.

Sitting up, he turned the music off before sitting in front of me. With his legs crossed, he sat straight up.

Closing my eyes as I sat behind him, I rested my head on his shoulder for total darkness. With my hands over his eyes, I took a breath as I focused in. Any distraction could throw us off.

It was a learning game at first, but it just made sense. It gave the illusion of making us better at it, even though deep down we knew it all just depended on us. That and it still has cherished memories and a special place in our hearts.

Deciding on something basic, I repeated the name of his beloved flower inside my head. I started with only one word though. This was a complex thing to just pick back up.

“Lilac?”He guessed.

“Close,”I said, letting out a half yawn before cutting it off.

“You didn't sleep, did you?”

“I did,”I lied.

“No you didn't.”

Feeling myself lean closer against my will, I buried my face in my neck. Despite my attempt at forcing my eyes open, they were weighed down. It was pretty much impossible.

“Come on. You need to sleep.”

“No,”I denied, yawning.

“Bed time for you.”

“Screw off,”I mumbled.

Slightly pushing my head off, he turned to sit forward before laying me back on his shoulder. Close to collapsing, I was about to be out like a light.

Giving in, I laid down and put my head on his lap. Rubbing my back, he quietly hummed, soothing me to sleep.

“I’ll always look after you,”He whispered.

“Yeah. I know,”I whispered back.

He will. He hasn't let me down once, and he doesn't plan to start.

Lily Of The Valley (Aris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now