7) His Touch

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We didn't find where the tracks end, but we did find something a lot better. An actual train.

"It's kind of weird. Seeing them again,"He said, pointing at the night sky.

"It's also weird that we chose the roof of the train instead of being inside it."

"We don't get to see them from inside,"He defended.

"I didn't say it was bad. It's just that it's probably not the most conventional route."

"Well, I can't kiss you under the stars from there, can I?"

"Because that's definitely what's happening right now,"I drew out.

"It could be, if you let me?"He asked in a way where he actually sounded serious. Leaning over, he got really close. Rolling my eyes at his antics, I looked at him as he made those stupid puppy dog eyes. Pushing his face away, I sat up before carefully putting my legs over the edge. Getting beside me, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Doing the same, I leaned against him back as he rested his head on mine.

"Hey Y/N?"

"What's up?"

"What would you do if I actually kissed you?"He almost whispered.

"Why are you asking?"

"I'm just curious."

Staying silent, I genuinely thought about it. I took a moment and imagined what I would do if my only friend, my best friend, leaned over and pressed his lips against mine. I thought about what the way they would be slightly chapped, just like mine. Then I realized how soft they looked. How the way his gentle touch would probably mean he was just as gentle of a kisser. As if I knew all about it.

× ~ × ~ × ~ ×

"You're going to actually hurt yourself one day,"I scolded, stopping him from running before he tripped. Trying his shoes as if we weren't both teenagers, I made it a tight knot, doing bunny ears before being satisfied.

"Now the other one-"
"Isn't as tight. I already know,"I sighed, undoing his other lace before redoing it to the same way I did his other.

"I was going to do it,"He insisted as I stood up.

"Well, if you did it, it wouldn't match."

"How'd you even know that mattered to me?"He pointed out.

"I'm your best friend. I know everything that matters to you,"I grinned.

"Really? Like what?"

"For starters, the most important thing of all, me,"I announced, putting my hands in the air and quickly spinning around. Grabbing them, he spun me once more before almost stepping on my toes. Pulling away from him, I rolled my eyes the way I usually did.

"Hey. I need to become a good dancer,"He complained.

"For what?"

"For the most important thing to me. You,"He said, wearing a cheeky grin.

"I love being right."

"I know you do. That's why I tell you when you are,"He admitted.

"That sounds like something you would do, but you know what sounds even better?"I asked.


"Tag!"I said quickly, sprinting off before he could catch me. After a moment of shock he chased after me. Holding in a laugh, I turned a corner to find our way to the roof. Pushing the door open, I started to open the hatch when he went in before it could shut. Touching my shoulder, he tried to leave only for me to touch his head and shout no tag backs while getting out the door. Going after me, he pulled me into him, his fingertips tickling my sides. Slapping his hands away, I kicked out of his grip before landing on the floor.

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