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Forgive me, Apollo, for I have strayed from the light,
Left your side, abandoned, out of smite.
My pride made things complicated,
Though our sentiments were never stated.
Forgive me, Apollo, for I have lied,
My lust for you denied.
Thinking of you in the woes of passion,
Absence of clothing, always in fashion.
Forgive me, Apollo, for I have rejected your Gospel,
You find your prayers in the knees of a brothel.
A face not even Da Vinci could capture,
One I picture in the final seconds of rapture.
Forgive me, Apollo, for I cannot look upon you with greed,
Blindness you cause me, while others you seed.
Your warmth resembles heaven on Earth,
Though your father looks upon you with an abundance of mirth.
Forgive me, Apollo, for you are not my God.
I may worship you only in the bedroom, despite your false lightning rod.
And you may not erase my sins,
While contributing to my whims.
Forgive me, Apollo, for I am not your Daphne,
Though much like her, you can never catch me.

An Ode to Muses to KleioWhere stories live. Discover now