The accident (pt2)

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Anyways, here's part 2! As I said in the last part all my medical knowledge is from greys so it probably won't all be accurate

Tw: injuries, blood

No ones POV

By the time they had reached the hospital, Taylor was stable again. The paramedics were compressing her wounds, worried she was losing too much blood, and Travis was holding her hand again. The ambulance jolted to a stop and the doors were yanked open.
"34 head old female, coded once en route, we bagged her and performed CPR, we think the piece of metal is impailing her lung, major concussion". The paramedic recited. Taylor was wheeled out on a gurney, with Travis close behind. They had called ahead so they were in private area, and that's where they went. Taylor was taken into the emergency room whilst one of the doctors told Travis to wait outside. He sat down, his head in his hands. He knew he had to call Taylor's mum but he couldn't bring himself to do it- he couldn't bring himself to tell her that her daughter might be dead.

Meanwhile, a lot was happening in the other room.
"She's losing blood!"
"I need more dressing!"
"Her pulse is dropping!"
"She's crashing!"
"Push one of epi!"

He had decided to do it. He had picked up the phone and called Andrea, and she was on her way over. She was devastated. Just then a doctor emerged from the other room. Travis quickly apologised so Andrea and hung up before standing.
"Is she okay?" He asked nervously.
"She's stable for now," the doctor replied solemnly, "But she is going to have to have an emergency surgery on her lungs, as they were ripped in the collision. She has also lost a lot of blood, but we have stiched up her major wounds so hopefully they wont cause us issues for now. She also has a concussion"
"Will the surgery work? Is it safe? What are- what are the statistics?" Travis asked, scared.
"Currently, the data we have shows that about 65% of our patients who go through this procedure live, whilst the other 35% unfortunately pass. I'm sorry. You can see her before she goes in if you would like?" The doctor asked.
"Yes please" Travis croaked quietly. He was directed towards a door, and the sight that met his eyes was not a nice one.

Taylor was lying on the gurney, a tube coming out of her mouth and her face ghostly white, except for the few splatters of blood left behind. She had a dressing on her head and he could see a few other sewn up cuts, as well as her left arm in a cast. He went over and kissed her on the forehead, holding her hand.
"I love you baby" he whispered. "I will love you forever and always. I love you" before he was taken away and led back to the private waiting room.

Five hours later and Andrea, Scott and Austin hadn't arrived yet, with a 20 hour flight, which they were on currently, separating them. Travis raised his head from his hands, the exact same position he had been sitting in for 5 hours, and looked up to be greeted with a surgeon coming towards him. He stood up quickly, nervously noting the solemn look on the surgeons face.
"Hi, I'm Doctor Shepherd- you're Travis?" She asked, reaching out her hand for Travis to shake. He took it, shaking it slightly before dropping his hand back down to his side.
"Yeah I-I am. And Taylor? Is she..." He didn't finish his sentence, too scared to say what came to mind.
"The surgery was successful" Doctor Shepherd confirmed. Travis breathed a sigh of relief, feeling all the worries lift off his shoulders. "But-" Travis stiffened up again. "She crashed midway through the procedure and we had to close up quickly, we would normally take the patient off the ventilator a couple of hours after the procedure but because her lungs are very delicate we are going to wait until tomorrow, till they are a bit stronger. Her recovery is going to be long and hard, mentally and physically. She will need physical therapy for her broken arm and one of the wounds on her abdomen which will take longer to heal, and it will impact the way she moves. I'll tell you all the details once she is discharged, but she can't move around too much or do any strenuous activity and she will need a lot of help throughout recovery. She is currently still under anastesia, but you may come and be there for her when she wakes up. I think she would appreciate that- having a tube stuck down your throat is not the nicest thing ever." Travis nodded carefully, following the doctor into Taylor's private room.

A/N I have loads of ideas for this one so expect there to be lots of parts, part 3 will probably come tomorrow but I wanted to post one more today

Hope you enjoyed!

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