Cuddles (pt2)

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"Mmm, this is so good" Taylor moaned, her mouth filled with French toast.
"You think so?" Travis asked, popping some into his mouth too.
"I know so, well done" Taylor smiled. Travis leant over and gave her a peck on the lips.
"You're beautiful" he murdered quietly. Taylor blushed, looking down.

"Sooo" Travis broke the silence. "I was thinking maybe we could do grocery shopping then relax?"
"Yeah that sounds great!" Taylor exclaimed. As odd as it may have sounded, Taylor loved going grocery shopping. It wasn't necessarily the actual doing of it, it was more because it made her feel normal. Like an actual person.
"I'll go get ready" she told him, placing her plate in the sink and skipping up stairs. Travis smiled at her, happy about how excited this had made her. He followed her up the stairs and made his way into the bedroom. He decided to have a shower after Taylor was done, and instead picked out his outfit for the day. He decided on a green tshirt and black shorts- it was warm outside.

After about the minutes Taylor came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, her hair dripping wet over her shoulders. She sat down at her vanity, looking towards Travis who was about to enter the bathroom.
"Should I have my hair straight or curly today?" She asked him.
"Curly, definitely. You look amazing with whatever but I really love your curly hair" he replied, shutting the door behind him. Taylor sighed, twiddling her wet hair round her finger. She didn't like her curly hair that much. Well, Joe didn't like it. But Travis loved it, so she decided to leave it natural.

She blow dried it, putting some products in then started on her make up. She decided to go pretty natrual, just a bit of mascara, concealer and highlighter. Content with her look, she decided to get changed. Travis was finished by then, and had gone downstairs to get some bags. Taylor took a little black dress out of her wardrobe which stopped mid thigh- she knew Travis would love it- and paired it with some ankle boots. She slipped her bracelet on and took one last look in the mirror.
"Tay" Travis breathed out, entering the room. "You look amazing" he wrapped his hands around her waist and rested his chin on her head.

She pulled at one of her curls, pulling a face. "Are you sure? I feel like I should straighten it. It's too crazy" she sighed.
"Obviously you can do whatever you want, but I think it looks amazing like that" Travis gave her a kiss on the cheek before pulling away to gather his wallet and phone.
Taylor sighed in defeat. "Fine" she said, finally pulling her gaze away from the mirror.

They both climbed into the car, security in the one behind. They soon arrived at the supermarket, and luckily the paps didn't know they would be there so it was pretty empty. It was decided that the security would stay out side, so Taylor and Travis made their way in, hand in hand.

"Okay, so, what do we need?" Taylor asked, pushing the trolley along.
"Ummm" Travis thought for a moment. "How about... some strawberries, umm, apples, and, maybe, cucumber? "
"Travvv" Taylor sighed. "Did you not bring a list?"
"Nope" Travis grinned sheepishly. He went over to Taylor, who was leaning against the trolley, and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"You're beautiful" he whispered into her ear, making her blush.

"Um, excuse me?" A little voice came from behind them. The couple turned around. Standing infront of them was a lady and a little girl who looked to be about eight.
"Please can I get a photo with you?" She asked politely.
"Of course!" Taylor smiled, moving to stand next to the girl. She bent down and put her arm around her, smiling as the little girls mum took the picture.
"Thank you!" The girl exclaimed.
"My pleasure" Taylor smiled. "What's your name?"
"Lily" the girl told her, showing her bracelet which had her name on it.
"Well, Lily, it was lovely meeting you. I love your bracelet and I hope you have a lovely rest of your day!" Taylor held out her hand for a high five, which Lily returned happily and waved before turning and walking away with her mum.

Taylor turned back to face Travis who was smiling at her in a dreamy way.
"Whattt?" She asked.
"You're so cute" he grinned at her. Just then, her phone started ringing. Taylor answered it- it was her security- and held it to her ear.
"The paps have found you, I think it's best to leave now before it get a even more crowded. I'm sending a couple of guys down to escort you" the voice came from the other end.
"Okay, thank you, were just coming" Taylor replied, before hanging up. She turned back to Travis, her brow creased with worry.
"Whats wrong?" He asked her, as she started moving towards the till.
"They've found us- we need to leave" she muttered. Travis could hear the shake in her voice and could see the tremor in her hands as she reached for her purse. He gently took her hand, squeezing it three times- their way of saying 'I love you'.
"I'll pay" he said, reaching for his card. Taylor didn't protest, instead she just have him a thankful smile. He could see the fear in her eyes, the years that were threatening to spill. He hated seeing her like this, hated how bad it made her feel. They played quickly, leaving the trolley behind.

"Are you ready?" He asked her, taking her hand. She nodded, and so they opened the door. As soon as they stepped out her security surrounded them, and the paps started yelling. Travis could feel Taylor's grip on his hand tighten as they made their way towards the car. He squeezed her hand reassuringly, angling his body so she was more shielded from the flashes. They reached the car and Travis opened the door for Taylor to climb in. Once she was in he shut the door and got in the other side. His door shut and the shouts from outside were muffled, leaving them in their own little world.

"Are you okay?" He asked his girlfriend next to him, pulling her into his arms as the car set off. She noticeably relaxed once she was held, safe in his arms.
"I will be" she whispered, burying her face into his shoulder.

A/N Please go check out my new book :)

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