The accident (pt4)

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A/N this is set about a week after the other parts, so yeah hope you enjoy

TW: idrk what to say

Travis woke early, and aware of his sleeping girlfriend next to him, he quietly eased the covers off himself. As to not wake her, he carefully climbed off the bed and tiptoed out the room. Taylor had been home from the hospital for about a week now, and although the pain levels were improving, it did keep her up sometimes at night. Because of this, Travis decided it was best to leave her whenever she was sleeping. She needed to heal, and the only way she could do that is if she was well rested.

So far there hasn't been any complications with her wounds and incision, but they were under strict orders from the doctor to keep an eye out for swelling and other signs of infection around the area. Because of where the scar was, if it was to get infected it could be very dangerous for Taylor.

Travis flopped down into the sofa and opened twitter, liking a couple of posts and even commenting on a few. He didn't do this often, because now that he and Taylor were together, many of the things he did people traced back to his girlfriend.

He watched as the clock on the mantel hit 8 am, and decided it was time to make some breakfast. He knew Taylor would be up soon, because although she loved her sleep she usually couldn't sleep past 9.

Travis gathered the chopping board, a knife and various different fruits from around the room and set them down on the table. He had decided on a fruit salad as it was one of him and Taylor's favourites, and the leftovers could be stored in the fridge for another day.

He had gotten half way through cutting the mango, signing along to Levitating by Dua Lipa, when he heard a strangled cry from upstairs.

"Travis!" Taylor called weakly, sobbing. She clutched her stomach in pain. Something was wrong, she could feel it.
"Taylor?" Travis shouted back. He wasn't sure if Taylor had called him or if he was hearing things. Setting the mango and the knife down on the table, he rinsed his hands and made his way upstairs. The sight that greeted him in the bedroom sent a punch to his gut.

His girlfriend was lying in a ball in the middle of the bed, clutching her stomach. Tears streamed down her flushed cheeks as the front of her chiefs short was stained a light shade of red.
"Travis" she whispered meekly, her forehead damp with sweat. Travis rushed over to her side and knelt down next to her.

"You're burning up" he told her worriedly, feeling her forehead. He knew deep down what this meant, but didn't want to believe it until he was sure. Gently, he removed her hands away from her stomach.
"It hurts" Taylor sobbed, her face twisted in agony and her blue eyes squeezed shut.
"I know baby, I know" Travis murmered, pushing her hair back from her face. He was trying to stay calm for Taylor, but inside he was panicking. Taking a deep breath, he lifted the hem of Taylor's tshirt. The sight before him was exactly what he was fearing.

The skin around the incision was red and inflamed, and the actual wound itself was a deep share of red. Blood was seeping out of the cut, and it looked fucking painful.
"We need to go to the hospital" Travis said, gently helping Taylor sit up and easing the t-shirt off over her head. He leant her against the headboard, and made his way quickly into the bathroom to get a cold towel. He was scared. He didn't know what to do. But what he did know was that Taylor was more scared than him, so he had to be brave for her. He grabbed two towels and got them damp under the tap. Taylor was still leaned back against the headboard in just her underwear, gasping in pain. Her fingers were reaching for the infection, trying to stop it, trying to stop the pain.
"Hey, hey" Travis murdered softly, pulling her hands away. He hated seeing his girlfriend like this. He placed one of the towels on the infection, and with the other he dabbed at her forehead, trying to bring the fever down.
He moved Taylor's hand so she was holding the towel over her stomach, then he went over to the draw and grabbed a fresh t-shirt for her to wear. He also pulled a t-shirt over his head and grabbed his phone.

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