39 |Peace|

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After indulging in a soothing bath, I found some semblance of relaxation, yet the weight of sadness still clung to me like a heavy shroud. 

As I glanced at the maid who was dutifully assisting me, I mustered the strength to dismiss her.

"I'm fine; please go. I need some rest," I murmured, my voice tinged with exhaustion. The maid hesitated, her concern evident in her expression. "Ma'am, but Taehyung sir told me to stay with you," she protested gently.

I met her gaze with a firm stare. "Please, just leave me alone. I'll inform Taehyung if need be. Don't worry, he won't be upset. Now, please, go." I insisted, my tone conveying a sense of urgency.

Reluctantly, the maid nodded and made her exit, leaving me to grapple with my turbulent thoughts. Frustration gnawed at me as I struggled to find stability amidst the turmoil of my emotions.

The traumatic ordeal I had just endured loomed ominously in my mind, threatening to engulf me in its shadow. Yet, despite the chaos within me, I found solace in the knowledge that my actions, however drastic, were driven by a primal instinct to protect myself. I may not be a killer, but in that moment, I became a defender of my own dignity and autonomy.

As I slipped into Taehyung's bathrobe, enveloped in his comforting scent, a sense of calm washed over me. In his embrace, I found solace and strength, knowing that he alone held the power to mend my fractured heart and soothe my troubled soul. With each breath, I drew closer to him, feeling the weight of his love envelop me in a warm embrace.

Despite the turmoil that still lingered within me, I resolved to confront the challenges ahead with newfound maturity and determination.

As Taehyung's wife, I owed it to myself and to him to voice my needs and desires without hesitation. No longer would I allow shame or fear to dictate my actions; instead, I would embrace my role as his partner with unwavering confidence and resolve.

Though I could sense Taehyung's underlying sadness at the events that had transpired, I knew deep down that he had made the right decision in holding his mother accountable for her actions.

Her cruelty and indifference had inflicted untold suffering upon me, and she deserved to face the consequences of her deeds.

With Taehyung by my side, I felt emboldened to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that together we could overcome any obstacle that stood in our way.

As I prepared to confront the future, I clung to the unwavering belief that our love would guide us through even the darkest of times.

As I settled into the plush comfort of Taehyung's bed, my heart raced with anticipation, longing to be enveloped in his warm embrace once more.

The air crackled with tension as I awaited his arrival, knowing that our reunion held the promise of healing and renewal.

When Taehyung finally entered the room, his gaze locked on mine with a depth of emotion that stirred something deep within me.

Clad in his impeccably tailored attire, he exuded an aura of quiet strength and raw sensuality that left me breathless.

As I rose to my feet, my voice trembled slightly with newfound boldness as I uttered those words that had sprung forth from the depths of my soul.

"Please strip for me, Taehyung," I implored, my voice laced with a mixture of desire and vulnerability.

At that moment, I realized that I was no longer the timid girl who had once shied away from her own desires.

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