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*Adding a casual 'mature content' warning for this one.*

Charlotte follows Mia, a plate in hand, to the sofa. "Alexa, play Leon Bridges." The room is suddenly filled with a gentle, sultry soundtrack. Charlotte settles into the couch and watches as Mia joins her.

"Thanks for dinner."

"You're welcome. It's nice to have company." Mia seems to pause for a moment, to think about her words. "Actually, scratch that. It's nice to be here with you, to be doing... this."

Charlotte smiles, appreciating the truth. "Thank you." As they eat, a quietness descending over them, Charlotte recalls her conversation with Marjorie and Reece.

"So," she begins. "I heard today that you and Reece watched a lot of Keira Knightley movies." Mia catches her teasing glance and smiles. "I think he finally put two and two together today."

Charlotte watches as Mia laughs gently to herself. "You know," she speaks quietly, "every lesbian apparently has a Keira Knightley gay awakening."

"They do?"

Mia nods. "Yep. Mine was Bend it Like Beckham."

"Really? How old were you?"

"Maybe 12 or 13."

Charlotte looks across at Mia. "And you.. you knew? Then?"

Mia nods. "I think so. I might have even known before then but not been able to explain it. By 13, though, I definitely knew."

Charlotte processes what she's hearing and takes a moment. "Can I ask something?"

From the way Mia sits up, Charlotte wonders if she's spooked her or upset her. "Sure."

"It's just... it's so confusing. I've never had feelings for a woman before. At first, I just thought I liked the attention of someone flirting with me. Noticing me." For one of only a handful of times Charlotte can recall, Mia looks nervous. She quickly tries to reassure her. "I know now that it's more than that. But I... I don't know what that means for me."

"What do you mean?"

"Mia, are we dating? Like, you're not seeing anyone else?"

The look in Mia's eyes alone is enough to reassure Charlotte. "Char," she says gently, "it's only you."

The words hang in the air for a moment as Charlotte takes a shaky breath. "But what if I'm not enough?"

Mia puts her plate on the coffee table, before taking Charlotte's and doing the same. Moving slightly closer, she reaches for Charlotte's jaw and gently turns her face until their eyes meet.

"Charlotte," Mia's voice is barely more than a whisper, her eyes firmly on Charlotte's lips, "you're more than enough."

Before Charlotte knows what is happening, she is being drawn into a commanding kiss. She relents control, letting Mia show her exactly how enough she is. Hands dance over her collarbone, over her shoulders and down her arms. Slowly, the hem of her dress is pushed just high enough for her to spread her legs. Mia doesn't hesitate, manoeuvring herself to straddle Charlotte.

"Is this okay?"

Charlotte bites her lip, daring herself to look down at the position the two of them are in."Definitely."

"Good." Mia leans back in close, capturing Charlotte's lips, teasing between them with her tongue. The gear shift, the way Mia pulls her in close and intensifies everything, empties Charlotte's brain. She can't think, not anymore. All she has left is feeling. Feeling Mia. Everywhere.

Charlotte, following only her body and it signals, lets herself be brave. Matching Mia's intensity as her hands travel down to land on either side of Charlotte's hips, she lets her tongue playfully slide against waiting lips. She uses her teeth, briefly, to scratch against Mia's mouth, pulling a groan from the woman on top of her. Charlotte's own hands seem to have a mind of their own, their commander-in-chief no longer in control of anything except her own desire. Slowly, her fingers travel down Mia's sides until she's grappling at her hips, pulling her closer towards her. Against her.

The sensation sends shockwaves through Charlotte's body, electricity moving out through her limbs before settling, heavy and warm, low in her belly. As Mia leans her head back, letting out what sounds almost like a growl, Charlotte feels the ache grow.

"Fuck." Charlotte doesn't even realise the word has come out of her mouth until she hears it.

"Char? Are you alright?" Mia seems to snap out of her own trance, immediately searching Charlotte's face for any sign of discomfort. "We... we can stop. If that's what you..."

"No". Charlotte clears her throat, not quite sure if she's capable of forming anything longer than a single word. "I... don't.. I don't want.. that".

"Oh?" Mia's heavily-lidded eyes gaze at Charlotte, a sinful expression growing on her face. "So what do you want?"

It's a big question, Charlotte knows. There are so many things she could say, all of them the truth in their own way.

Instead, she settles for the most simple.

The most honest.

"I want... you."

Mia leans in once more for a bruising kiss, before letting her lips trail over Charlotte's exposed skin. She sinks lower, eyes never leaving Charlotte's for more than a few seconds.

"Well that..." she kisses against her chest, lips desperately close to the swell of her breast, "I can definitely do."

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