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"So," Charlotte has her phone balanced on the kitchen windowsill, Mia's face on the tiny screen as they chat, "you're a hit." They had stayed in the park with Mia for about half an hour, chatting and enjoying the sun. They could have stayed longer if it hadn't been for Maisie's dance class.

"Good." Charlotte can see Mia take a breath before she speaks. "Your girls are great, Char. I mean, kids are great in general but it's even better when they remind you of one of your favourite people."

Charlotte can't help but smile. "Thank you."

"I have to say, it was also nice to see that side of you. You... you in mum mode, I suppose." Mia pauses as Charlotte rinses out a wine glass and puts it upside-down on the side. "It's very attractive." Charlotte wants to make some joke about her scruff t-shirt and her jeans, to put herself down and check that Mia means it, but she doesn't have to. "I love that you're real."

Charlotte keeps Mia's words in her mind to carry her through the week. She can feel the impact of Mia on her and now she understands why people have commented on her being different. She is. She's confident in who she is; she doesn't want to change and she doesn't have to apologise.

It is what it is.

It's that same confidence that has her joking- bantering, even- with Reece in the staff room which ends up with her offering to sort-of coach him and counsel him through whatever is going on in his very messy mind.

It's that same confidence that has her booking a half-day of leave and making a suggestive comment to Mia about going somewhere nice.

That same confidence is also what leads her to say "why don't you pick me up from work?" when Mia asks about their plans.

"Ooh, a half day today Charlotte?" Of course, Marjorie has to know what's going on. She lowers her glasses suggestively and raises her eyebrows when she notices Charlotte signing out just after the toddlers have finished their lunch. "Any plans?"

"Actually..." Charlotte opens the staff door to find Mia already stood there. She steps into the nursery and gives a courteous smile to Marjorie and Autumn.

"Sorry to steal her away. I know you'd much rather she was here." Charlotte, as usual, had braced herself for Mia to be coarse and unkind. It's an odd sensation to be able to relax when, for once, Mia appears to be civil to her bosses. "Have a good afternoon."

Charlotte can't help but say something the moment they get in the car. "Thank you... for being nice."

Mia shrugs. "You asked me to be nice. Plus, if therapy has taught me anything so far, it's that blaming them and being angry at them doesn't solve any of my issues. It's not healthy."

"Wow." Charlotte tries her best to form sentences. "Therapy... is it weird if I say it looks sexy on you?"

All Mia does is smile, her eyes firmly focused on the road.

The drive isn't long, just enough time for them to catch up on their days and to have a quick sing along to the radio. Before Charlotte knows it, Mia's Mercedes is pulling into a space outside what looks like a very posh stately home. Charlotte has driven past here a few times, but she's never thought about going in.

To Charlotte, places like this have always been for other people. People with money. She reads the sign and feels Mia's eyes on her.

Oakenhall Spa Hotel

"For us?"

Mia nods. "Come on. Let's switch off for a bit."

The entire hotel is decorated in a way that makes Charlotte avoid touching anything. It all looks fancy and expensive, far out of her price range. After checking in, they are led down a corridor towards a room overlooking the extensive gardens.

"Mia, this... this is too much." Charlotte tries her best to take it in. There's a huge bed in the middle of the room, made up in what she can only imagine is very expensive Egyptian cotton. The bathroom is bigger than the one in her actual house. There is a plate of strawberries and a chilling bottle of Prosecco on the coffee table, a handwritten note with 'enjoy your stay' perched beside it.

"Char, if anyone deserves to have a little time to switch off and enjoy themselves, it's you." Mia takes a step towards her. "Let me treat you. Just... indulge in feeling wanted and appreciated." She leans in closer, her lips grazing against Charlotte's ear. "You're worth it."

Charlotte doesn't hear those words very often. She isn't quite comfortable with the idea of being anything special, but she sees the look in Mia's eyes and knows she's telling the truth.

"So, I may have done a little shopping because I didn't want to ruin the surprise by asking you to pack." Mia pulls out a small pile of clothes. "I'm fairly certain I know you well enough to have got your size right."

They separate to get changed. Charlotte uses the bathroom while Mia stays in the room. When she steps out, Mia has her robe over her shoulders. She gazes down at Charlotte, at her body in the black one-piece she had picked out, and bites her lip.

"Well I made the right call with that one."

Charlotte can feel herself blushing. She lets her eyes wander down to where Mia's open robe has left her skin exposed.

"Jesus". It's the only word she can come up with as she takes in the sight of Mia in a blood-red bikini. All Mia does is wink. 

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