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It's a weird stroke of luck, Charlotte realises, that Ava keeps her up most of the night crying and writhing in pain. Not because her baby is hurt- never because of that- but because people assume the bags under her eyes are from a sleepless night, and not from sobbing on the kitchen floor for an hour. She makes the decision at around 4, after giving Ava yet another dose of six plus calpol, that Ava isn't going to school the next day. They have a fracture clinic appointment at lunch, but she needs to rest.

As soon as she can, Charlotte messages Marjorie who gives her the 'OK'.

"Oh, here she is. The brave solider". Marjorie is waiting at the staff entrance to the nursery when Charlotte walks up to the building with Ava. "Listen, sweetheart. I've made you a little corner in my office with a blanket and a comfy bean bag. You can chill on your iPad, or do whatever you want. I'll even let you know where I keep my secret stash of treats."

Charlotte sometimes forgets that Marjorie has known Ava her whole life. She was one of the first people who knew she was pregnant, and was one of the first to hold her when she popped into work a few weeks after giving birth.

She also sometimes forget how well Marjorie knows her. Until she feels her boss's searching eyes on her. "Autumn, would you get Ava set up on the wifi so she can use her iPad? I'm just going to have a chat with Charlotte."

As soon as the office door closes, Marjorie looks sternly over at Charlotte. "You look terrible."


Marjorie shakes her head. "I promised Mia I'd keep an eye out for you and I know something's wrong. Don't fob me off with excuses about Ava. You've been crying."

Charlotte wrings her hands together nervously, trying to find the words. "I... I talked to Ben last night. About me. About Mia."

"Christ. Well that... that explains it. Did he hit the roof?"

Charlotte shakes her head. "In a way, I wish he had. But no. He... he just silently left."

"Oh, Charlotte." Marjorie looks genuinely sorry. "Well, I haven't got much experience, but I will say he'll get there." She pauses, checking the corridor. "I mean, Reece will tell you, it's a shock to the system to find out someone you were with for so long is into their own gender."

"Yeah. Especially when you've been married to them and had two kids."

"Exactly." Charlotte watches as Marjorie pauses, clearly trying to find the right words. "But you said it. You owned it and that's incredible. You should be proud of yourself."

"I'm trying."

Marjorie nods. "Well, that's enough for me, my love. Anyway, everyone is aware that Ava's here and I've got cover sorted for when you take her to the fracture clinic."

"Thank you."

The morning drags until 10.30. Charlotte spots Autumn coming in to cover her, Ava in tow.

"Right my love. Back to the hospital for a quick check up with the doctor and then grandma's going to task you to hers for the afternoon."

The clinic appointment helps Charlotte to understand a little more about what it is Ava's actually done and what they need to do to stop it from getting worse. Her temporary cast is replaced with a proper pot one- naturally in pink- which gives Charlotte a chance to see the bruising and swelling on her little girl's arm. She tries her best not to wince, but she knows she'll be watching both of her daughters like a hawk when they're on any play equipment for at least the next couple of years.

After handing Ava to her mum in the hospital car park, Charlotte heads back to work to finish her shift. She grabs a quick sandwich on the way in and settles in the staff room to eat, knowing she has a little more time before Marjorie is expecting her back in the room.

"How is she?" Sorcha settles down at the table next to Charlotte.

"She's fine. I think I'm more shaken up than she is." There isn't anyone else in the room. Charlotte takes a deep breath. "Mainly because I ended up telling Ben about Mia last night. About... me and Mia, I mean."

Sorcha's eyes widen. "Wow. Charlie. That... that's huge."

"I just think things are getting more serious between us. We... we haven't said it in as many words, but neither of us are seeing anyone else. And we've taken... steps now. It feels like we're in a relationship." Charlotte notices Sorcha trying to hide her smile. "I thought he deserved to know first, but now I feel like I have to talk to my parents about it."

"And Mia's alright with that?"

"I think so. I mean, Sorcha, she's having therapy. She said to me the other night that she's doing it for both of us because she doesn't want me to think she isn't serious."


Charlotte calls Mia as soon as both girls are asleep. It warms her heart that, even after everything, her first question is about Ava.

"Well, she's got one very broken wrist and a lovely bright pink cast. But she's fine. Especially since she'll be able to get all the kids to sign it on Monday at school." Charlotte sighs to herself. "If anything, I'm just glad she's asleep. Poor little lamb hardly slept last night, which meant my brain was playing my chat with Ben on a loop for 8 hours straight."

"And have you heard from him?"

"Nope." Charlotte knows Ben well enough that she can predict he'll need at least a few days to process. "Radio silence. Anyway... I'm kind of sick of talking about him. Distract me with your life. How are things?"

"I had therapy again this morning."


"It was good. I talked about Roger and about my dad. It's... slow, though."

Charlotte shakes her head. "Mia, you can't undo 20 years in 20 minutes." She pauses. "I have to say, though, I am proud of you. For sticking it out, I mean."

"Thanks. At least my therapist is nice. He doesn't seem too shocked by what I'm telling him, too, which is nice. Most people I've spoken to about it before end up making all about them because they can't wrap their heads around this being someone's real life." Mia takes a moment. "Actually, speaking of my real life, I made a decision about my dad today."

"Oh, really?"

"There are two more things I want to follow up on. One of them is about them maybe having got secretly married and the other is an offshore business I found with an address in Bali. I... I'm going to chase that up and then I'm stopping. I'm going to use the rest of Roger's money- the final payment from the nursery board and everything else I've got saved- and I'm going to hire a personal investigator. It's time for me to move on."

Charlotte feels herself relax. It's a relief, she realises, that Mia won't be swanning off all over the globe. At least, not without her. "That's amazing. Plus, you know, if the money runs out and you're still no further on, you can always hire Carly. I swear that girl puts things together so quickly."

Mia chuckles. "Oh, I know. But I'm fairly certain there are a few child labour laws I'd be breaking with that one. Plus I think I've had my fair share of facing the wrath of Marjorie."

Charlotte nods her head. "I think we all have."

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