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"You're up late". Mia's sultry voice always seem to catch Charlotte off guard. "Something keeping you up?"

Charlotte settles into bed and pulls the covers up over her. "Sorcha and Clodagh came over with pizza. They've only just gone home."

"Sounds nice. Was there a special occasion I wasn't aware of?"

"Not quite. Actually," Charlotte takes a breath, "that's what I wanted to call about". Suddenly, Charlotte feels her nerves kick in. It isn't so much the coming out that bothers her, it's the fact that it makes this thing with Mia have more meaning. "I... I told my mum about us today. And I realised I didn't check with you beforehand whether that was something you'd be okay with. So.. I'm sorry if I just complicated things unnecessarily."

"Char. Sweetheart." Mia's voice remains calm. "Don't worry. You didn't do anything wrong. In fact, I'm proud of you?"

"You are?"

"Yes. Nothing takes more backbone than coming out. And you did it."

"Okay." Charlotte exhales heavily. "That's good." She pauses, finally letting her deepest thoughts come to the fore. "I think... I think I was worried about telling you because of what it means. I know we said we'd keep the pressure off, keep things casual. I just... I don't want to cross any boundaries."

"Char", Mia says gently, "I'm pretty sure we crossed that boundary a while ago. I mean, I distinctly remember telling you that I was getting therapy because you deserved it. And telling you that I was only interested in you."

"I remember."

"Char, I like you a lot. I... I don't want you to worry about boundaries with me. Not when it comes to our relationship, anyway."

"Re...relationship?" Charlotte tucks her hair behind her ear. "So you're..." She swallows and takes a pause. "Mia, I keep accidentally calling you my girlfriend in conversation."


"Yeah. And... I said it first in front of Reece of all people, and then I keep thinking it and calling you that in my head."


"And I want to know if that's okay. If... if I can. Call you my girlfriend, I mean."

From the other end of the phone, Charlotte is sure she hears a little squeak come from Mia. "Yes." Suddenly, the redhead doesn't sound so calm and collected. "I... I'd like that a lot."

"Me too."

"And, ah, while we're on the subject of us, there is something else I wanted to check with you." Charlotte twirls her necklace in her fingers. "I got a voucher from work and it's for pottery painting and afternoon tea. It's... it's for two adults and two kids so I wondered if you'd like to maybe join us?"

Charlotte subconsciously braces herself, still preoccupied with not crossing too many lines.

"Char, I'd love to."

"You would?"


It only occurs to Charlotte the following morning that she should tell Ben about the girls spending time with Mia. If only because she would expect the same in return. She makes herself a coffee and lets the girls watch TV as she sits and sips in relative peace. Bracing herself, she unlocks her phone and quickly types.

Hey. Just to let you know, the girls and I are going out for the afternoon and my girlfriend is going to join us. I won't be introducing her as anything more than a friend but thought I would do the courteous thing and let you know.

Girlfriend. Charlotte can't suppress her smile.

"So", Charlotte addresses her daughters, "I invited Mia to join us this afternoon for our pottery painting. She's going to meet us there."

"Mummy?" Maisie twirls the belt of her dressing gown as she talks, "is her hair really that colour?"

"No, I think she dyes it."

"She's died?" Maisie gasps. Charlotte watches as Ava giggles.

"No. Dyeing your hair is what we call it when you change its colour."

Without thinking too much about it, Charlotte pulls out her phone and repeats Maisie's comment to Mia.

"Anyway, since we're having afternoon tea later I think we should have a nice big breakfast to see us through. I'm thinking pancakes. Who's in?"

Before Charlotte knows it, the morning has disappeared and the three of them are stood outside of the Little Charms Pottery Painting Studio.

"Hello." Mia catches Charlotte's eye in the reflection in the window.

"Hi." They hug, briefly, before Charlotte pulls back and acknowledges the girls. "You remember Mia, don't you?" Both of her daughters nod. "Right, well let's go in."

The studio is quaint, filled with all sorts of pastel vases and teapots. At the back is a huge shelf filled with various pots ready to be painted. Charlotte lets the girls choose first- a mermaid for Maisie and an old-fashioned piggy bank for Ava.

"I think," Charlotte picks out a mug, "I'm going to paint something for you." She watches Mia smile as she speaks. "Something to make you think of me while you're having your morning coffee."

Mia peruses the shelf for a moment before selecting her own small vase. "Well then I'm going to do the same. "

The four of them settle into focused painting. Maisie, as usual, wants to use every possible colour and prints hearts and stars all over her mermaid, including her face. Ava takes her time (mainly thanks to her cast) and makes her piggy bank absolutely adorable.

"What are you painting, Mummy?"

Charlotte looks up towards Ava, paintbrush in hand. "I... I'm making a swirly pattern. Then I think I might write a little message on it before it gets glazed."

"Mia, what are you painting?" Mia looks up at Maisie, her smile wide and genuine.

"I've decided to paint some flowers."

"In black?"

Mia nods her head. "Yeah. Black roses. They're a very special flower to me."

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