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It isn't unusual for Charlotte to struggle to fall asleep. It's got better, but there's something about Mia tonight that is putting her off. She can't relax when the woman next to her is tossing and turning, kicking her legs and generally being restless.

"What's wrong?"

Their evening, as far as Charlotte knows, has been fine. They had talked like they always did. They chatted about work, about therapy, about the general drama that always seems to surround the Knight Nursery. Nothing, Charlotte thinks, stands out.

Apart from the mug. The afternoon tea. Pottery painting with her girls.

"If... if I've done or said something, can you talk to me about it? I can't relax when you're unsettled."

Charlotte's immediate jump to something being wrong causes Mia to turn, her eyes wide. "Char, don't panic. I'm fine."

"But... you're restless. You keep moving and now I'm worried it's because of the girls and the cafe and the pottery and..."

If Mia knows anything about how to get people to shut up, it's that the best and most effective choice is always a kiss. She leans close, pressing her lips to Charlotte's until she can physically feel her relax. Leaning in, she rests her arm on Charlotte's pillow, gesturing for her to lean in and cuddle.

"You don't need to spin out like this. I'm just... I'm not always sure how to process my feelings. Not the nice ones, anyway." Mia sighs lightly, looking up at the ceiling. "It's all new to me."

"What is?"

Charlotte feels Mia snuggle closer, although she can't quite seem to make eye contact. Instead, she feels Mia's fingers tickle against her own until she gets the message to turn over her hand so that Mia can hold it.

"I don't think I've ever felt this... settled before. It's weird. I don't... I can't quite figure out what to do with feeling calm. I just haven't ever really not had either a huge amount of anger or fear or adrenaline in my body. It's unfamiliar. Does that make sense?"

Charlotte squeezes Mia's hand and nods her head. "Is it a bit like when the Grinch cries and thinks he's leaking?"

"Yes!" Mia's voice echoes, slightly louder and more enthusiastic than her neighbours might want, in her room. "It's like my brain doesn't know how to deal with it."

"Well, I think it might have to." Charlotte leans in closer, wrapping her arm around Mia's waist. "I'm not going anywhere." Charlotte, feeling confident, reaches across to Mia's cheek and applies just enough pressure for her to turn her head. "I mean, I know it's a big commitment to come from a long relationship straight into being with someone with kids. But, well, you did say you were my girlfriend so..."

Before she can finish her sentence, Mia has leaned in to press a firm kiss to Charlotte's lips. As soon as she registers what is happening, Charlotte responds, letting their embrace descend into something far more passionate. Her hand slowly strokes from Mia's cheek to her jaw, cupping her face slowly. Their kisses begin to slow, until Mia pulls away and rests her head on her pillow, blue eyes looking across at Charlotte.

"You know, there's a big difference. Between my last relationship and this one."

Charlotte can think of a few, but she bites. "Oh yeah, what's that?"

"You, Char." Charlotte's eyes, adjusting to the darkness, aren't the most reliable, but she's fairly certain that Mia has tears in hers. "I've been chasing my whole life. Chasing something I wasn't even sure existed because there have just been so many false promises. Nothing ever stuck, nobody ever stayed and meant it. Until you." Mia takes a shaky breath, definitely crying now. "I feel human with you Char. I feel... I feel loved."

Charlotte can't help but smile. "Well, that is the plan."

"Oh really?"

Charlotte nods. "Of course. I like to make you feel good."

For a moment, Mia pauses, her eyes searching Charlotte's face. "Char, I didn't say good."

"I know what you said." Charlotte takes a breath. "Mia, you can say it."

Out of the darkness, Charlotte hears Mia blow out a long exhale. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

And so we come to the end of this little story. I could carry it on forever but my whole aim was to flesh out the idea of Char and Mia exploring their new relationship. If anyone has any requests or prompts for me please message or comment below!

Thank you so much for reading.

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