The Waterbending Scroll

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(I'M BAAAAAACK!! So, here is a new chapter. Hope you enjoy.)

After the whole thing with the Winter Solstice, things have been somewhat quiet. After Aang told us about a comet coming by summer's end that will grant firebenders immense power, we are now on a time limit. Yay... But we are making good time. We are currently on Appa as he flies across the sky. Sokka was at the reins and I was leaning back against the saddle while I watch Aang pace nervously. Poor kid is going through it. "Would you sit down?! If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off! What's bugging you anyway?" Really? Asking that question, Sokka? "It's what Avatar Roku said. I'm supposed to master all 4 elements before that comet arrives." Aang explains.

"Well, let's see. You pretty much mastered airbending, and that only took you 112 years. I'm sure you can master 3 more elements by next summer-Ow!" I moved to be behind Sokka and smack the backside of his head. "Not. Helping." I state. I then get back in the saddle and face Aang. "Look, Aang, I know I can't relate to you with this, but trust me when I say that overthinking things is only going to make it harder. Like when I overthought when practicing with my weapons. I got a pretty bad cut that one time when I tried to catch my spear after tossing it into the air." I tell him.

He closes his eyes and I see him inhale some air. "I appreciate the advice, (Y/N). But I haven't even started waterbending, and we're still weeks away from the North Pole. What am I gonna do?!?" Okay, he's panicking again. I look at Katara and she smiles at me then looks at Aang and reaches out to grab his arm. "Calm down. It's gonna be ok." She tells him. Gently pulling him down to sit on his knees and face her. I cross my arms as I lean back to get more comfortable. "If you want, I can try and teach you some of the stuff I know." "You'd do that?" I smile at that. Katara has always been ready to help people and that's one of the qualities of her that I admire. "We'll need to find a good source of water first." They then look over the saddle to find a good spot. "Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in." Okay, that's enough of sass for now, Sokka. I stand up make my way onto Appa's head then toss Sokka back into the saddle. "Aah! Oof! Hey, you could have thrown me off Appa!" I sit down and grab the reins. "Please. If I wanted to, you wouldn't be talking right now." I respond. I look down then smirk as I found the perfect spot.

I had Appa land at a watering hole with a waterfall. I rest my hands on hips as I smirk. "Nice puddle." "Thank you, Sokka." I reply. Appa then splashes into the water and Momo screeches as he gets soaked. "Yeah! Don't start without me, boy." Aang says. When did he take off his-You know what? Nevermind. "Remember the reason we're here." Katara says to him. "Oh, right. Time to practice waterbending." "And, preferably, with pants on." I add. Aang smiles sheepishly then starts putting his clothes back on. "Great. So, what am I suppose to do?" Sokka asks. "You could clean the gunk out of Appa's toes." "Pfft!" I had to press a fist onto my mouth from laughing out loud. "So, while you guys are playing in the water, I'm supposed to be hard at work picking mud out of a giant bison's feet?" Sokka asks rhetorically. I take a deep breath and remove my fist from my mouth. "Yep. Welcome to being productive." I sass.

"Also, it's mud and bugs." Aang corrects. Sokka thinks for a moment, "Ok." He grabs the branch Aang offered him. "Well, I'm gonna do some stretching. I have been slacking a little since we started our journey. Hope you don't mind if I watch." I state as stretched my arms. "Not at all." Aang says.

Third Person P.O.V.

After getting settled, everyone was busy with their own thing. Sokka was on Appa's stomach as the bison floated along the water. He growls softly from the feel of the leaves on the branch between his toes. "Yeah, don't get too happy. You've got to do me next." Sokka responds sarcastically. Appa sighs but continues to float around. (Y/N) was doing some fist push-ups as she watches Katara and Aang. "This is a pretty basic move, but it still took me months to perfect. So don't be frustrated if you don't get ti right away." Katara says to Aang as she assumes a stance and start moving forward and back, swaying like water as she moves her hands in a pushing and pulling motion. Aang smiles as he sits cross-legged, paying close attention at Katara.

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