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Somewhere in inazuma, an incident occurred as all the shogun's army were dispersing around inazuma searching for someone.

Checking every corner and even the inside of the houses and markets to find the one they've been searching for.

People were starting to gossip some of them are already afraid of what was happening because who is this culprit that made most of the shogun's army and even the tengu warrior search for this person.

"She could've gone far, search the entire area"

The tengu ordered, earning a response through the shogun's army as they dispersed more around inazuma.

Meanwhile in the middle of ritou around inazuma city. Each army was asking the people about someone's identity but none of them have seen or heard about this strange person.

While the army was in a hurry, one of them bumped into one of the people but didn't have time to apologize nor would he even do it because he's in a hurry and he's a shogun army as well.

The person then only looked at the shogun armies. She adjusted her samurai hat and continued walking through the crowds until she reached the kamisato estate.

She entered the property and the guards looked at her and only bowed down.

Just then two familiar blonde twins appeared and greeted the woman's return.

"Welcome back"

They said in unison while one of the kamisato siblings appeared and smiled at the person.

The person slowly took off her hat and the oni mask she's wearing and looked at them.

"Ah, welcome back y/n"

You smiled at the three as you made your hat and mask disappear.

"Shogun armies these days are quite troublesome for a wanted deity such as myself, did I even get myself into this?"


~a week earlier~

It's been a week since you've departed from liyue and according to the captain, you will reach inazuma in just three days but of course it wouldn't be that easy since you're close to the nation and you can already feel the storm surrounding it to prevent any travellers but alas this is the Crux ship and you won't back down as well to a mere storm.

You were inside the private chamber of the captain while you could already see the heavy storm on her windows but the captain paid no heed and sat on her chair, drinking her beer.

"Relax, y/n. The storm won't be a problem through the Crux so relax yourself"

She said to reassure you because your whole body was stiffen up but you decided to relax yourself and but still put up a guard incase something happened outside.

She motioned you to sit down to the chair Infront of her desk and you did as you sat down.

"Do you want to drink?"

She said offering her beer and you shook your head.

"I'm not really in the mood to drink right now, captain"

"Oi, I thought we agreed of you calling me just beidou? Or Bei like you always call me. I prefer that nickname"

You looked at her before responding.

"That's only one time, I called you that. It is rather impolite to not addressed you while I'm on board your ship"

"Pfft, telling me like we didn't just do those things that night when you were-"


You said with a flustered face remembering what she was saying and covered your neck with your shirt that has faint red marks in it.

"Oh come on, you called me with those nickname while we did it"


"Are you just clingy when drunk?"

"..a different person control me when I'm drunk so I'd rather not think about the embarrassing thing I did or said"

"Hoh~ are you telling me you're too embarrassed to admit what you did to me that night?"


She smirked at you cheekily.

"See? You finally called me with that nickname"

You got more flustered and only furrowed your brows in annoyance.

"Seriously, you humans..."

Fallen Adepti (inazuma, nation of eternity)Where stories live. Discover now