Chapter 4

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"...a new identity you say?"

You asked while the twins nodded.

"Clearly the whole shogun army was looking for you and us as well but we don't have a problem hiding, we are fatuis after all" aether said.

"Huh? And what makes you think I'll have difficulties hiding?"

" clearly stand out by the way you dress.." lumine said which made you look at her but couldn't argue since you are not wearing anything related to their nation.

"I suppose I can agree with that, alright"

You stood up and crossed your arms.

"Where shall I get some clothes that are similar to these inazuman people?"

"I can help with that"

You heard ayaka's voice as she was approaching you three with a boy named Thoma behind her holding a few clothes and other accessories.

"I already brought you some clothes that I think would perfectly fit in you"

"..isn't that a bit too much?"

"Forgive me but I didn't know which one you'll like and hence brought some of them that I think will suit your taste"

"I see.."

Just then the twin started dragging you behind the board to get change as  you did while they waited for you and you did try to change in every clothes ayaka brought for you but none of them suited your taste until the last kimono.

A red kimono that contains white flowers and behind it was a dragon, every tip of the clothes contains some black mixing with the red kimono.

On the accessories you found a samurai hat and you just wore it and went out to let them see.

All of them were in awe when they saw you with your new look.

"You definitely don't look like an outsider anymore" aether said with a smile.

"I'm surprised you two were now trusting me"

You said to the twin as they just looked at you.

"You save us plenty of times and I think it's time we repay you back and hence will give you a hand if anything goes south"


You just hummed as you then started walking towards them.

"I think you can help me by telling me the fatuis hideout where ro-... the fair lady would be present"

You asked which didn't surprise them since they somehow knew you came here just for Signora.

"Telling you the hideout is crucial we might as well take you to her" lumine said.

"She's expecting you as well by the way" aether continued.

"Ah, is that so? Then let's not waste any time since the fair lady doesn't like to be kept waiting too long"

They both nodded and bid farewell to ayaka before you three went to one of their hideouts where Signora was.

While walking for a while, of course you wouldn't be out of trouble as some rogue ronin surrounded you three.


One of them said as they examined you three looking quite rather fancy than any poor inazuman people around the island.

"Clearly you're not from the kamisato estate and definitely not from the others as well so it's safe"

Another one said to us and I just sigh and the twins were ready to fight but I just stopped them and took a step forward before speaking.

"Desperate for mora and stuff? You mortals are greedy for your own selfish desires"

"Inazuma has been nothing but a prison cell because of the rules here and the electro archon herself was anything but merciful so don't be surprised if this kind of thing happens, ma'am"

"I didn't say I was surprised"

Just then anemo started swirling around making them all sent flying in different directions.

"Just stating facts about some mortals is all"

Your eyes then found a chest that contains stuff and somehow the twin went to look at some of it and you just rolled your eyes and waited patiently.

But then an oni mask caught your eye as you slowly took it and examined it for a while.

You then started wearing it and it suits your style and this just hides your identity more.

Once the twin was done looking through some stuff they went going and you finally reached the hide out.

You went inside and walked further and eventually you stopped at a place where you saw a couch and saw the woman you've been looking for.

Signora was just sitting in the middle, crossing her legs and her arms as well as she opened her eyes and turned her gaze at you.

Then she smiled.

"Beasty, your here~"

You can't help but smile as well as you  make the oni mask disappeared and approached her.

"I told you I'll follow after"

"Yes, you are a woman of your word after all"

You then sat down across from her.

"How's your mission?"

"Still in progress, we are having a slight difficulties meeting with the electro archon but the mission were going smoothly nonetheless"

"I see.."

You then suddenly remembered your dream about her and wanted to tell her but decided not to as she might just tell you it was just a foolish dream and hence you kept quiet.


You looked at her.

"Do you want to lend a hand from the fatuis?"

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