Chapter 2

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You walk around the area and go through the crowds, the city has a lot of markets and restaurants but quite small compared to liyue.

You continue to lurk around the area and stop at something, you look up and see what it was written.

"Yae publishing house? Odd name for a book of novels"

You mumbled and looked around through the small shelves of books. Since you like reading novels, you decided to browse a little and read some of it.

After another moment you decided to go outside because you're feeling quite hungry since you haven't eaten anything yet when you arrive inazuma.

You then went to find a restaurant to eat. You have found one restaurant that was named uyuu restaurant.

You went inside and can only see a few people and most of them are soldiers.

You pay no heed and continue to walk through the counter to order something to eat.

Once you order, you just wait patiently while you can hear bunch of voices of those soldiers talking about their works.

Minutes by, your food was served and you started eating silently. You were intrigued by the soldiers talk as you learned a little bit about this place.

Those soldiers were called the shogun army which was led by the electro archon herself, she even made the so called the vision hunt decree which is absurd that they are taking people's vision.

*This place is pretty strict compared to other nations, I guess the electro archon is quite serious on her title*

You thought to yourself and kept eating.

*So this place is called inazuma city, and apparently I'm on Narukami island which seems like there's more than one island I need to explore..*

You took a sip of your water before putting it down.

*I wonder which island Rosalyne decided to, as their hide out*

You were about to leave when you heard a commotion and turned to look at the commotion.

"Oi! That's my mora!"

The shogun army said while grabbing the wrist of the little girl wearing a cloak on. Just then someone kicked the shogun soldier on the face as he fell on the ground.

All the shogun army then stood up and became cautious at the two as they brought out their weapons.

They began surrounding the two while other people started leaving which is your chance as well to leave without any trouble.

You went out the restaurant and was about to walk when suddenly one of the intruders started flying beside you and fell on the ground to which their hood fell off.

Just then you turn to see a familiar face which your eyes widened. Those blonde hair were too familiar and those face as well. It was one of the twins.

The boy then looked at you and was surprised to see you.

"It's you!"

He said while pointing at you like he'd since a ghost.


Another familiar voice while you turn your head to see the girl. She was surprised to see you as well but shook her head and went to help her brother.

"Get up, aether"

"Hey, hey, I can handle myself lumine"

She rolled her eyes as they turned to look back at the restaurant and could see the shogun army walking out of the restaurant.

"There's nowhere to run, you fatuis"

A woman voice yelled and you all turned to look and saw a tall woman. She has indigo hair cut into an uneven bob, pale skin, and golden eyes. She also had a tengu mask and must be a leader or something judging by how the shogun army bowed at her.

The woman then turned to looked at you and squinted her eyes slightly in suspicion.

"Your not from here, state your name and business in inazuma"

She said with a stern look on her face while you just stood there, looking at your surroundings. Your gaze stop at the twins then back at the woman.

"I'd prefer not to tell my name, mortal"

"Hmm..your not just any normal being Judging by your horns and by the way you call these people mortals"

She then summon her bow while still looking at you sternly.

"I need you to come with me as well, try to resist and we'll take you by force"

Her words were no joke and she had her weapon ready Incase you tried to resist. The shogun army also surrounded you to which you had no escape.

Lumine were holding aether while they both furrowed their brows noticing the situation is worse and it's only a small chance they'll escape.

The woman then signaled one of the shogun soldier to approach you and he did and started walking towards your direction and grabbed your arm.

Just then you grabbed his wrist and looked at him.

"I hope you like being trapped in the ice"

You said and suddenly cryo started spreading from his arm towards his face as his whole body was trapped in ice.

The others were startled as well as the woman as she furrowed her brows.

"Arrest them!"

Before they could take you three, you grabbed the twin and pulled them close to you.

"What are you-"

Lumine were cut off when a large wing appeared and spread wide open, making all the shogun army move back with a shock face.

You took a glance at the woman before flying away from the city though she started using her bow and pointed at your direction ready to shoot you an arrow.

Meanwhile, aether saw a glimpse of something like glowing coming towards your direction and his eyes widened.


You heard him and suddenly moved away barely making you lose your balance for a moment but you continued flying away from the city.

The woman clicked her tongue.

"Go after them! Don't let them leave Narukami island"

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