006 - Preparation

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REFLECTION: What is God's Word for me today?

2 Timothy 4:2
preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.

REVELATION: What is God's insight for me today?

I'm just inspire of verses that instruct us on what we will do next.

As we preach His love to others do not forget to pray first, ask for forgiveness and ask the Holy Spirit to move unto us, so that the people's heart will be open for correction, for accepting Jesus and God revelations to our life.

Paul said that "be ready". When we are going to preach His word, just be constructive and be honest always or maybe be sincere and concern, but the deepest thought you will ever learn is WHY I will preach the word to this people, because if the WHY is big enough, it doesn't matter what will be the risk.

We must have a big heart in our ministry, if we don't have this, we will just easily give-up.

But also before we preach His word, we are also convince about His word will change people's heart. Trying to influence them how to have a right manner in all times, not just teaching them to be faithful in people but also in God in all ways.

Also first, feed your mind and spirit, do spiritual discipline as much as we can do. So that it will not lead to any arguments, disobedience and confusion.

Most of all have a right heart, always ask God to search our hearts so that all selfishness would be fix and as well as our short-comings.

REVOLUTION: What are God's tasks for me today?

When preaching, do a little research always, put some evidence and good-thoughts to it and be more entertaining as well, so that they will catch your attention and it will not be boring for them just because the way we speak, let the holy spirit handle you and let the spirit of God helps you, do not lean on your own understanding.

Need to pray to God.

Lord, I need a good knowledge and good heart to seek you, please Lord help me to influence others as well, help me to be a vessel of your grace so that I could lead people into your cross and let their life know you and as well as to continue believing in you and continue seeking you.

In Jesus name, amen.

Need to accomplish for God.

In teaching. Be patient.

Disciple's Journal : REFLECTION, REVELATION, REVOLUTION, Transforming Throughts, Habits and Actions.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon