008 - Everything He had spoken came true

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REFLECTION: What is God's Word for me today?

Joshua 21:45
Not one word of all the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass.

REVELATION: What is God's insight for me today?

Are we tired of waiting?

Me.. Yes it's tiring, but. Worth it.

Why did I ask this. Because when we read the bible especially on old testament, it is clearly that God gives us instructions first before the blessings, sometimes the blessing we expect is not the blessing we are looking for, sometimes the blessing is just small for us, but my point is how could we receive the big things that God arranged for us if we will not acknowledge the small things.

Remember that our labor to God will not be put in vain, so that don't give up and don't just wait or just leave because the blessing we expect didn't come into our own mind/eyes that we expect much-much from Him.

Don't you think that even thou Israel leave God many times but still God build up Israel and making new evidences or miracles that the eyes of israel would turn to him again, and when that happens, God is very pleased that He always blessed the people who follow Him and the commandment that He give to Moses.

Did you get my point? Or not? All I want to say is, God sees our sacrifices, God sees the goodness in our heart, God sees our short-comings, failures, but the moment we decide to ask forgiveness that is one point of courageous in the eyes of God and being broken and sorry for all the thing we done again and again and again.

Don't compare your life to any people, because God gives us unique destiny that we are the only one who can perform it. Just be truthful and be honest, accept your mistakes as well, because God doesn't look in your sins, He always look whether we walk out in His presence and just leave Him anyway. (But God doesn't support our selfishness and sins do not forget that) But God really loves you and He gives us assurance that:

-- I'll be there for you, I won't give up on you, I won't leave you and I will be there in every step you take, until you fulfill the task I given to you, so that you may take all the promises happen to your life.~~ God.

REVOLUTION: What are God's tasks for me today?

If God is giving me this kind of opportunity. I will do my best, and I will do everything to stand.

Need to pray to God.


I ask for forgiveness for all the doubts that coming to my mind and stopping in the middle of your ministry, but God please hold my heart and hold my life even thou I go far from you, but you are always there and you are always concern on me. I just ask for forgiveness and I ask for the Holy Spirit filled me again, so that I could stand again and be wise next time.

In Jesus name, amen.

Need to accomplish for God.

Don't forget that God will reward us. In His time not our time.

Disciple's Journal : REFLECTION, REVELATION, REVOLUTION, Transforming Throughts, Habits and Actions.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon