007 - Ministry is not just about MONEY.

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REFLECTION: What is God's Word for me today?

2 Corinthians 9:11-13
You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.

By their approval of this service, they will glorify God because of your submission that comes from your confession of the gospel of Christ, and the generosity of your contribution for them and for all others,

REVELATION: What is God's insight for me today?

Other people, misunderstood people when it comes to giving. Many questions are raising up when it comes to giving. Many people want the "label" of being generous for the sake of their names, just to give, but the definition of their generosity is seems short to the correct definition of giving

But God really loves people who give, without bargaining, yes we know it is hard but it doesn't always talk about money, sometimes being cheerful is enough.

But God also promises that whenever we give, He also proves that He will also be generous to that giver. I hope we could not misinterpreted all things about giving, but God really delight people who gives.

Because our ministry is not just to supply the needs of the church itself, but also be an overflowing in worshipping God aswell.

Giving is also part of submission to God, you are letting the Gospel change your thought to God and surrendering yourself to Him, who has the authority on heavens above.

Being giver is not just to give, but to support as well, to sustain literally and to be concerned what is needed by the people who surrounds us. Giver is also a language of love, because the point of the gospel is to love and to give love to others and welcoming them with open arms.

I think, this is where we must be generous of... To speak Jesus to others and to speak the gospel to those people who doesn't know Jesus yet.

Giving is not all about money, but it is being generous in proclaim Him. Telling other people how did Jesus change your life and giving us with a purpose. This would be our greatest contribution to Him, to lead people in His cross.

REVOLUTION: What are God's tasks for me today?

For me, money is just money, my mentor says that the money is the easiest problem that we may encounter, because when God has a vision for us, He is the one who will provide it.

The word contribution. What is my contribution as a part of body of Christ.. I think the task that I could do is to proclaim Him, non-stop through social networking sites and inviting more people and educating people to know God, so that they may experience Jesus in their problems we are facing, that the missing part of their life is God.

Need to pray to God.

I pray Lord that give me a right heart always and being a cheerful giver, not just money, but also my talent and time, that I could be more sincere seeking you and following all your precepts that I could see your miracles upon miracles.

In Jesus name. Amen.

Need to accomplish for God.

Don't give up telling people that Jesus is here, that He is always ready for what we will say, and Jesus is concerned about us, If we will just allow Him to fix and negotiate it.

Disciple's Journal : REFLECTION, REVELATION, REVOLUTION, Transforming Throughts, Habits and Actions.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon