001 - Honesty is the Best Policy

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REFLECTION: What is God's Word for me today?

Genesis 4:7
If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it."

REVELATION: What is God's insight for me today?

The very first question that Struck me is "will you not be accepted?" If I do well... sometimes we always tend to compromise things, yun bang gagawin mo itong bagay na to kasi para sa kanila, we are always exchanging good things to bad things, the best example is Lie, we tend to use White Lies just for that day, but on contrary what if I (we) tell the truth, will the situation will be chnage? I always ask that question many times.

The 2nd part is "you must rule over it" there are saying that "If you don't control it, it will control you" this things talks about being polite, for many reasons and for most of the time, but of course we are all human being then we are all creatures of emotion, my main point is If we don't control our emotion it will control us, and it will lead to disaster, arguments, high pitch voices, or else murder (which is the worst part).

And God doesn't want us to suffer on our decisions we make, this is the time we must choose wisely, hold our emotion tightly and have a self-control. Remember that all our choices may lead to consequences If we always try to compromise things, it will be okay on a short run, but how about on the long run, the good thing is.. There is "grace" from God, He will lift us up, when we pick wrong decision, and all wrong things we've done, He will make it right.

REVOLUTION: What are God's tasks for me today?

Always tell the truth and be honest most of the time, we build our characters near to Jesus but this character will always be on test, learn to bring hope for others and work faithfully even thou no one sees you, if we will just gonna be Faithful in all aspect of our life, therefore we build our Integrity which our foundation is taught by God.

Need to pray to God.

Lord, change my way in to your way, help me to be honest most of the time, even in little things and help me to control my actions that would lead on not so good things, I humble myself to you, I need your grace that is perfect in my weakness and continue to guide my steps.

In Jesus name.

Need to accomplish for God.

Be honest in giving, avoiding Cheating, self-control may saves us always and practice Godliness.

Disciple's Journal : REFLECTION, REVELATION, REVOLUTION, Transforming Throughts, Habits and Actions.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon