REFLECTION: What is God's Word for me today?
2 Thessalonians 3:12-13
Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.
As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.REVELATION: What is God's insight for me today?
When we are working something for Jesus, work it quietly. So that we could earn our own living. We do not need it to broadcast it out, but living the gospel by heart, we should keep our works by being quiet as well and not being proud of what we, but we do it because Jesus is in our lives now.
As well as, as we work do not be tired of doing good, sometimes doing good things to other people may be always awkward for us or maybe for them, but I think this is part of eye-opener to other people, if we will just project the right attitude and being a good-example not just to the believer surrounds us, but also to the people who doesn't have relationship to Jesus yet.
You know, all sacrifices will paid off, just believe and pray harder as we can. Because when we pray, we feel that we are so closer to God, that we could do things unexpectedly and we do things beyond our limits and we do things impossibly because we believer that we have a Big God.
Work on the right ethics, wear your good-moral and right behavior as well. Continue to portray love and be an example of love, because Jesus teach us how to love. Live the bible as you live every day, love God and seek him everyday, so that we are always careful on the things He says.
REVOLUTION: What are God's tasks for me today?
Love secretly to the people who hurt us and learn to forgive, forgive sincerely, because if we don't forgive them it will affect us, it will affect our hearts. Learn to search your heart, you will never know it unless you check it.
Need to pray to God.
Maybe I be not get tired of doing good things, and let me give a heart that is not giving up easily. Lord I know that I always grow short for your grace because of my attitude and bad desires if my heart, Lord please help me to change this, so that I could follow the gospel with all my heart and with all of my life, that I may prove to other people that there is life in Jesus.
Thank you Lord, in Jesus name amen.
Need to accomplish for God.
Learn to let go, and let God, and love others and do not get tired of doing good things even thou no one could see, but there is a God who inspect us, and you know... He loves us.
Disciple's Journal : REFLECTION, REVELATION, REVOLUTION, Transforming Throughts, Habits and Actions.
SpiritualIt's all about Jesus, God, Church, Ministry, Leadership and loving others.