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This is my first fic, pls go easy on me. I also made the cover myself, so you won't find the picture anywhere else. Note that this does not ship sonadow, but I do think of them in, like, a brotherly relationship. This also takes place just after the murder of sonic the hedgehog. these might be a little short, but there will be a lot, so i hope you like it!

"Hey Sonic, are you alright?" I asked. He hadn't looked so good ever since the train. "Perfectly fine, why do you ask?" he answered. "Ohh, I don't know. Just that you were just hit with a blow dart, and you haven't eaten any of your cake," I replied. "As I said, I'm fine-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence. I watched as he ran to the bathroom and heaved up the little food he had eaten that day. He sat on the floor, leaning against my leg for support. He looked like he was going to pass out. "Sonic, are you okay?" I said. "I'm fine," he said. "You most certainly are not," I said. "Fine, I may be a little nauseous," he said. He leaned over the toilet and barfed again. "Can you walk?" I asked. "I don't think so," he mumbled. "I'll get Knuckles up here to carry you. That blow dart must have done a number on you if you aren't able to properly argue with me," I said. "Knuckles, can you come help me with something?" I yelled down the stairs. Knuckles came pounding up the stairs, and when he entered the room, he gasped. "What happened to you?" he asked Sonic. "Nothing. Seriously, I'm fine," said Sonic. "He may need some help getting down the stairs," I said. Knuckles went over to him. He picked Sonic up bridal style and said, "If he's not fighting me, that's not a good sign." I looked at Sonic's face. His beautiful, wonderful face. 'snap out of it, Amy,' I thought to myself "Knuckles, he's not conscious," I said. "Oh my word," Knuckles said. We ran down the stairs, and set Sonic down on the couch. "Alright, this is getting serious. We need to get him out of here," said Shadow. "Great, but one question, how?" asked Tails.

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