Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

“What am I going to do about Vistos” Gema asked herself as she searched through the small suitcase she had thrown together when she’d left London, looking for something fit to wear to a dinner party, and coming up empty. Gema sighed as she studied her face in the mirror. Her cheeks were rosy from her bath, her skin glowing faintly. Sweeping her hair into a bun, Gema picked up her mascara and looked in the mirror, and froze when she saw Vistos laying a black garment bag on the bed. He looked spectacular, as always, in grey slacks and no shirt, and Gema let out a little sigh. Vistos looked up at that, and their eyes met in the mirror before Gema pulled hers away, her cheeks flushed. Vistos was gone when Gema got the nerve to look up again, but the garment bag was still laying on the bed. 

Unzipping the bag, Gema stared at the rust colored sequin dress. Oh no, she thought, I can’t possibly wear this. The dress was short, mid thigh, with a million rust and gold colored sequins adorning it. The cut was simple, a demure neckline with little cap sleeves, but Gema suspected it was not as innocent as it first appeared. At least try it on, she reasoned. Sliding the garment over her hips, Gema shimmied and pulled her arms through the holes, then pulled the zip up the side. Her hair had come loose from its bun, and Gema looked in the mirror. The dress did wonders for her legs, the slinky material molding itself to her curves, the back of the dress was thinner material, practically see through, and Gema turned this way and that, feeling ages younger than she had in a long time. She didn’t get to wear fancy dresses like this when she was tucking Kai in for bed, rarely got to indulge unless it was a function being held at the gallery, and even then she was working. Gema sighed at her reflection, knowing she could not wear the dress. Not only did she not want Vistos to think he could buy her off with presents, or that she needed his money! But she also simply did not have shoes to go with it. Gema picked the garment bag off the bed, and found a shoe box underneath it. Curious, Gema lifted the lid and found the perfect pair of gold shoes to go with the dress. With a shake of her head, wondering at Vistos’ sudden generosity, Gema slid into the shoes and marveled at how long they made her legs look. He just doesn’t want you to embarrass him, Gema insisted, smoothing the silky fabric of the dress over her hips and turning to look at the back of her legs again in the heels. Vistos just doesn’t want you wearing some old rag to his important party, don’t read too much into it! Gema told herself again and again as she brushed through her wavy hair and added the final touch with a red lipstick hinted with shades of rust and gold. 

Kai was laughing from the foyer, Gema could hear him as she descended the stairs. Walking faster, Gema was anxious to see him since Vistos had taken him on an all day adventure on his boat, much to Gema’s discomfort, and it had been nearly an entire day since she had seen her little boy; the longest she’d ever been away from him since he was born. When she came into the foyer, Vistos was evidently telling Kai a story, and gesturing wildly, which was making Kai laugh and giggle, but when he saw her, Kai immediately ran to her. Gema scooped him up easily, smiling down at him. 

“Mami! You’ve been getting dressed for forever” Kai pointed out, and Gema smiled.

“Yes I have, but I hope you haven’t been getting in anyone’s way, have you?”

“The picture of perfection” Vistos replied, and Gema’s eyes met his, and knew he wasn’t talking about Kai’s behavior. With a red tint to her cheeks, Gema set Kai down and bent down to straighten his clothes. He was dressed in a smart little Italian hand made suit, of that Gema was sure, and it was a steel grey, giving the three year old an air of sophistication that he had always had. Gema straightened his dress pants over his little dress shoes, and stood up. 

“That’s a wonderful suit you have on, darling” 

Kai beamed. “Mister Vistos got it for me” 

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