Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

“How’s Lana?” Gema asked Viola over espressos the next morning. Viola sighed and rubbed at her eyes, looking every much the youngest sibling. 

“She’s okay, still hasn’t woken up since that last surgery yesterday morning. They expect her to come out of it sometime tonight or early tomorrow. I just wish Mama was here.” 

“Why isn’t she?” Gema asked, frowning. 

“She caught a virus a little while back, so she can’t be around any sickness or she could relapse.” Viola explained, and Gema nodded. “God, I’m so glad you’re here.” Viola said, tears swimming as she grasped Gema’s hands in hers. “When Vistos told me you guys wouldn’t be seeing each other anymore, I was very mad at him. Obviously it had to be his fault, because I saw how much you loved him, you never would have left him.” 

Gema forced a smile, and Viola carried on, rolling her eyes. “That bitch Julie, I can’t believe what she said to you, and at my wedding of all places! How dare she? On such a happy day! And then the audacity of Vanessa, sending those invitations to your wedding and rehearsal dinner! Dio, that woman is awful.” Viola sighed and shrugged. “Chissa, what is there to do? He came back from New York and refused to ever speak of you again. But I am glad you are here.” 

“Me too.” Gema said softly, and Viola clapped her hands together. 

“Where is that delightful boy of yours? His accent needs some work, and I want him fluent by the time you guys get ready to leave!” 

Gema laughed lightly, and Viola grinned. “He’ll be a little heartbreaker some day, I promise you. Those occhi? Basta, he’ll have any girl he wants.” 

Just like his father, Gema couldn’t help but think, her smile waning slightly. 

“Kai!” Viola called, standing up. “Come give me a hug!” 

Kai came running then, grinning fiercely, flying right into Viola’s arms. She covered him in kisses, lifting him high, and Kai giggled mercilessly. Gema’s heart ached, seeing him like that, so very happy, to be around his family, his real family. 

“Come stai? Bene? Cosi cosi? Come?” Viola teased him, and Kai giggled louder. 

“Basta bene!” Kai replied, and Viola laughed at his mistake, correcting him as she put him down.

“Bastante bene! Bastante! Basta is…how you say, stop. Bastante!” 

“Bassante!” Kai said, and Viola laughed, hugging him close again. 

“Close enough!” 

“Mami, I love Italian! Can we stay forever? Please?” Kai begged Gema.Jesus. Gema’s heart broke in half just then, and she forced a smile at him, but didn’t answer. Farah and Henry came running next, and at seven and eight, Kai looked up to them excitedly. Those are his cousins, Gema told herself, rubbing her temples. Those are his actual, blood cousins, and he loves them. Oh Madre de dios, what was she gonna do? 

Lana woke up that afternoon, and Christoff eagerly called Gema to tell her to bring herself and the kids. Hurrying up to the room, Gema held onto Kai’s hand as Farah and Henry ran down the hall to be caught by Christoff and ushered into Lana’s room to see her. Gema watched through the window as they climbed on the bed and chatted excitedly to Lana, who was smiling weakly, but her eyes were bright and half filled with tears looking at her children. Gema dropped to her knees in front of Kai, looking into his face as she pushing his hair away from his eyes and rested her hands on his shoulders. 

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