Chapter Twelve

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Your POV;

Cindy was right behind you for support and you squeezed her hand before entering the room.

All the guys turned to face you in a bit of surprise, most likely because of your outfit. Namjoon was walking over when you lifted your hand in protest saying stop. A bit bewildered, but he stopped searching your gaze anxiously. They were all looking concerned, so you started as you were a bit drained.

"I wanted everyone to be here, because I don't think I could've had this conversation alone" as you lifted your hoodie exposing the bandages. All of them gasped at the same time and Namjoon immediately leaped towards you again.

Tearfully now you spoke with your voice breaking, "I said stop. I want you to tell me here right now, that the bitch who attacked me in the bathroom is simply delusional. Tell me here that the things she said about you are untrue! Tell me that this is a fucking fever dream. Tell me that I just happened to be unlucky tonight" you cried out.

Everyone is watching you dumfounded and the music blasting outside the room, was inducing a headache.

For what felt like 10 mins but it wasn't, you stood there with tears running down your cheek.


His POV;

A lump formed in this throat and he was too stunned to speak. He stood frozen staring directly at you. You were shivering now and he's looking at the tears run down your face. He wanted to throw up.

"I guess I have my answer then" you managed to say under the tears as you wiped your face and exited the room. The out of nowhere "Thud!" and he dropped to the ground. Hoseok swung at him, with rage filling his face. Before he could swing again, Jungkook held him back. "You're a fucking idiot, you may not have brought that bitch here tonight, but thanks you, Aisha is hurt! Let me go JK" he shouted and stormed out of the room.

Yoongi was now over you, and the look on his face said everything. What a fucking shit show you caused and worst yet on a night like this. As Jungkook was helping him off the ground, simultaneously, Taehyung, Jimin & Jin are all rapid firing questions. None of which he had the time to answer right now.

Ignoring them for now, he walked straight to Yoongi. "Hyung please cover for me whilst I go fix this. I'm so sorry but I have to go" and he stumbled out of the room, too anxious to care about the stinging pain on his face. He needed to find you.

His thoughts were racing. How could it have gotten this far? He checked the Clinic Bay, staff room and then the security team to find out what's happening. The staff briefed him that Amy have been taken to the police station. Already with a headache, he made sure to let the team know, he wanted that bitch rotting in jail & he would like to apply all applicable charges including attempted murder.

Storming out of the briefing, he took the private elevator to avoid being seen by the guests coming in. His driver was already waiting by the time he got out of the elevator. Security must've told him. Getting into the car, he tried to call you but to no avail, and he just kept ringing. He didn't even realize it, until the driver offered a tissue. He started crying.


Your POV;

Cindy accompanied you to the dressing room where you gathered your things to leave and you got on the elevator. You told her that you'd call tomorrow but you needed to get out of the building.

Cindy called your driver so he was already waiting in the parking lot. As the elevator door was closing, Hoseok basically jumped in. You were too overwhelmed to speak, so you just leaned against the walls for support . "Hey. Hey, I got you, let me hold your bag," he said softly.

Hoseok assisted you into the car. As soon as the car pulled out of the parking lot, you burst into tears. The painkillers must've been wearing off or it wasn't strong enough. EVERYTHING was hurting. Your head was hurting so much, it was blurring your vision. Your arms were stinging and the pain from the wounds in your side were excruciating.

You could hear Hoseok on the phone arguing with someone, as he gently rubbed your back. He was also shouting an order at the driver, when the car stopped. Wiping my tears, he instructed me to wait for a bit and he got out of the car.

You couldn't hold back the tears, and before you knew it Hoseok was back in the car. He offered you something to drink, but you didn't bother to query what it was, as you trusted him.

The rest of the ride felt too long, as you were trying to gather your thoughts. You didn't want to be in the same space as Namjoon. You couldn't even stomach the thought of having to be anywhere near him right now.

You felt betrayed and most of felt defeated by the one person you trusted the most.

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