Chapter Fourteen

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The last Chapter of Part One aka Book One

Chapter 15 will be a short Bonus chapter, from Hoseok's POV.


His POV;

Anger. That's what he was feeling when she shoved Hobi and proceeded towards the room. He could hear Hobi behind him saying something, as his manager was simultaneously walking towards him. "Namjoon calm down. There's nothing that could've been done. You should think about calling her people now" the man said worriedly.

Pushing past them, he bursted into the room, directly to your bedside. His hands are shaking as he lifts one to your face. You looked so tired. There are bruises all over your face and he leaned over to kiss them. "Baby I'm sorry, I promise to fix this. I am so sorry" as his voice broke.

"Here Namjoon, sit down" Hobi ordered him. He sat down and held your hands as he leaned against the bed crying. Not sure how long it has been since he sat there holding your hand, he turned around at the sound of multiple voices. The party must be over, because all the guys were here.

They all embraced him in a hug for a few minutes. Then they went back out of the room to bring in all the flowers they brought for Aisha. Everyone left the room eventually, so he sat there without moving and eventually fell asleep.




He barely slept. As he was about to doze off again, but he felt your fingers moving. Jumping up excitedly he stood to face you properly.

Your POV;

Feeling extremely drowsy, you tried to open your eyes to see the surroundings. You could tell it was a hospital, based on the beeping of multiple machines near you. Someone was holding your hand and you felt parched. Turning your head ever so slightly you saw Namjoon and he stood up startling you.

"Water. I need water" you barely managed to get out. He leaned in to hear you and then helped raise you up to have a drink. As Namjoon was fixing you back gently into position, you could see the faces of all the guys peeping through the window in the door. Feeling overwhelmed you wanted to apologize for rushing out of the apartment recklessly.

"I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you. I should've stayed till the following morning" you managed to say weakly, feeling the tears coming on.

His POV;

"No, please don't cry. It's okay. You need to rest. I'm the one who's sorry, all of this is my mess to begin with. I promise to clear everything up when you're better. Please don't cry" leaning in to kiss your forehead when a nurse came in.

Your POV;

The nurses are checking your vitals and adjusting your IV explaining your injuries. Namjoon is standing right behind them, anxious for them to finish. Then the doctor came in and they were both having a conversation. All you managed to hear was, "I'll tell her soon, give me some time" to which the doctor acknowledged and left. You could tell something was wrong as Namjoon is now looking at you as if he's ready to cry again.

The nurses promised to be back in 1hr and they left. Namjoon immediately took his place near you again.

""Is everything ok? What are you not telling me? I don't think I can take another secret" you managed to get out. He was now squeezing your hand and nodding his head. Getting impatient you yelled, "Namjoon answer me!" causing the machine near you to start beeping faster.


His POV;

"Baby calm down, you can't exert yourself too much" he said concerned.

"Then answer me" you snapped back at him weakly.

Taking a deep breath, "You were 9 weeks pregnant. Possibly 10. The doctor said it was terminated because of the attack" he said softly. With that you immediately pulled away your hand and he could see a million emotions run across your face as your eyes welled up with tears.

He spoke up again, this time with his voice breaking, "I am so sorry."

Your POV;

You felt stupid. It felt like you were getting stabbed again. You were struggling to breathe and all you felt was anger. Not sure what's happening internally but your heart rate must've been spiking amongst other things, as the machines were now beeping rapidly.

You could feel the tears coming and you mustered whatever strength to scream. "Get away from me! Is this some sick joke? Please leave! What sick joke is this Namjoon. I fucking HATE you! We're over and I never want to see you again!". By now the doctor and nurses are back along with the guys standing at the door.

The nurses were trying to calm you down and Namjoon is looking at you with tears running down his face.

"PLEASE LEAVE! WE'RE DONE. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Those were the last words you said as you saw someone pulling him back, before you fell asleep or died. The world went black.

His POV;

Standing there, he knew there was very little he could've done in the moment. He wanted to hold you. You were hearing nothing he said above the screaming, yet he knew your anger was validated.

The last thing he saw, unaware of who was even pulling him out of the room, was the tears on your face, as your body went limp from whatever they administered to calm you down.

🔷🔷🔷🔷 End of Book One  🔷🔷🔷🔷

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