Fun,more fun and I hate my life

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"Im Michael" he says "Mak" I say looking down "um hate to say this but Fae took are time tables so we gotta go" Mal says and grabs my arm and dragging me out. I cant believe I have another mate and I really want this one to work but im just scared that he will do the same thing to me my other mate did.


I garbed Mak's arm and forced her to leave we need to find Fae not only for are time tables but to make sure that she dont  snap. She is not handling this well because of him that god damn thing ever since that god damn asshole. Me and Fae had no clue what was going on with Mak but she always had excuses about her marks and shit and Fae flipped her shit when she found out the truth. "Come on lets go find miss trouble maker before something happens" I say to Mak and she nods. We walk and see a lot of people gathered around one area 'what did she do now' I say in link and Mak laughs "I cant believe she broke your nose" a mousy voice says "that bitch will pay" another voice says oh Fae what have you done now.


4 broken arms, 3 broken noses, and a dead kid makes my day a lot better. I smile to myself as I think about the look on that girls face before I snapped her neck. I cant fucking believe that Mak has another mate I mean ever since that asshole. He broke her, beat her,cheated on her I mean god damn it she hid it from me and Mal until that day in school. I have no regrets about what I did and I would do it again if I had the change to. "WHAT THE HELL FAE" I hear my brother yell oh shit he must know about my activities "what" I say "4 broken arms, 3 broken noses, and a dead girl" he says with a sigh I just nod my head and smile about it "its not funny we have to lay low but you just couldnt help it could you" he snaps and I glare at him "nope" I say popping the p.

"Fae you cant keep doing this to yourself or anyone else. Its not your choice to keep them apart" he says sitting next to me "after what HE did to her you want her with someone else so he can do the same thing to her"I snap feeling my eyes change color "shes my god damn twin and I didnt know what the fuck was happening to her" he snaps back his eyes going black "BOTH OF YOU STOP" Mak yells and we look at her wide eyed and then look down.

I turn around to say sorry but I don't because I see fang boy standing there "why are you here" I grit out "FAE" my sister and brother warn "you know what Mak why don't you Mal and fang dick there fuck off and leave me alone yea" I snap and turn to leave. I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn around and see fang dick "dont ever talk to my mate that way again" fang dick snaps "if you don't remove your hand I will remove it for you. You fang dick have no clue who your dealing with" I seethe at him "Fae please don't do this" Mak says in a whisper but im to pissed to care "I hope he does to you what your LAST mate did but remember this time I wont fucking be there to help you let alone save you. So why dont you and you" I say pointing to my brother and sister "fuck off because im done with you and you" I say and walk off leaving my sister therein tears my brother in shock and fang dick with steam rolling out of her ears. I need to clear my head so I get on my bike and leave school. 'Fae that was messed up' Lilly my mer says 'it was fun' Erosa my demon says 'SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU' I yell at them not in the mood for them.


What the fuck just happen how came someone just do that to there family and what about my mate's other mate that kinda pissed my vampire off."What was she talking about" I ask Mak "look since Fae said that I will explain ok" Mak's twins says and I nod sitting down on the table. "A month ago we lived in Miami Fl and like most days Fae being Fae was skipping class" Mal says with a sad smile "she happened to see a couple in the hall fighting. Now Fae being Fae was going to walk away because it wasent her drama. She was about to walkaway when she got a look at the girl and it was Mak" he says with a sigh and then he gets a look that scared even me and im a fucking vampire prince "the guy slapped Mak and it set Fae off. I got a text saying I needed to get to Mak's locker so I did as fast as I could. When I got there I seen Mak hiding in a damn locker and Fae on top pf a guy and was stabbing him in the chest, the face, the gut,any where she could really. It took me an hour to pull her off him and it was bad she had killed him and in a bout 10 seconds the whole school knew. So we moved here and wanted a fresh start but as you can see that didnt happen because well Fae has already made her mark hereto" he says with a look on his face that I cant place. I was pissed that my mate had to deal with that "thats not all" he says and my eyes go wide "Fae had to deal with a lot of shit because of that and were we are from when you fuck up you get punished. Fae took everything they done to her and ever since then she has been the way she is. She has no feelings to anything but her family she plans on rejecting her mate. She wants to be alone because she thinks she don't need it" he says and I can tell its hurting him to talk about it. I let out a breath I didnt know I was holding "she when through hell to protect you" I say looking at Mak and she nods "damn that girl is bad ass" I say and they laugh but its forced. I start thinking about how I cant get back at her without her killing me and nothing is looking good for me. "Don't even think about it or she will kill you" I hear Mak say 'how the hell did she' my vampire says and I just look at her mouth open "what I seen the look on your face and it was the same look Fae has when she wants to get back at someone" she says hands on her hips and I laugh. What can I do let me think OH my family can help me yea that will work.

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