Fight,Sex,The Truth

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Dom's POV

"FAE ENOUGH" her brother yells everyone but me and Fae flinch 'wait her name is Fae dude she is in all your classes' Aidan says and I almost laugh at his happy tone "so he throws the first punch and I get blamed for it" she whispers "I will deal with him" I speak up for the first time. She looks at me and smirks at me "yea whatever later fang bitch oh you may wanna ice that face of yours" she says and walks out. I look at my brother I look at the door and smile'shes bad ass' Aidan says 'yea but she attacked a vampire prince' I say 'he took the first hit' Aidan says and I see where he is going with this. "I have to go after her" I hear her brother say "I will go it was my brother who fucked up" I say standing up "please bring her back" she sister almost begs I nod and I walk out. I try and find her sent but its gone I can't find her ass anywhere I go to walk past a empty room when I am pulled in by a small but strong as hell hand.

"Following me now" she asks "your family was worried about it so I came to take you back" I say almost scared "well mate I think you have other plans" she whispers in my ear and I shiver "what what is that" I ask "fuck me right here and now mark me I mark you" she says and I give her a blank look "scared to take whats yours" she says and goes to walk out. Aidan takes over and pins her against the wall and bites her she lets out the sexiest moan I have ever heard.She turns and slams me against the wall and I can feel her bite me but unlike me all her teeth are sharp she pulls back and licks the blood off "what are you" I ask "you will find out soon enough now fuck me" she demands and thats all it takes. I bend her over the teachers desk and reach around and undo her the button on her shorts. I pull them down and take in the sight before me "my god your the sexiest thing I have ever seen" I say and she laughs I pull her thong to the side and slide mt tongue over her slit "my god your dripping wet" I say shocked. I run my tongue over her slit until I feel her start to shake "cum for me baby" I say and she does all over my face after she collects her self she turns to me and drops to her knees. She reaches up and rips the buttons off my pants and I look at her shocked 'dude that was beyond sexy' Aidan says just as im about to agree I feel her take my whole 10inchs in her mouth"my god" I moan as she starts bobbing her head up and down on my shaft. She starts going faster and I know that if she keeps this up I will blow my load in her mouth "babe we gotta" I start to say but stop when she starts playing with my balls "fuck" I hiss out as I shot my load in her mouth. I watch as she drinks it all not letting any of it drop she looks up at me as she does it and it makes me hard again. I grab her and slam her on the desk "you are mine" I say as I ram my dick into her she lets out a moan and I know that I have her now. I pull myself almost all the way out then slam back in I do this over and over again and I can feel myself getting close again but I can also tell that if this keeps up we will get caught.

Two hours fucking my sexy ass mate and blowing my load into her over 40 times I think its time to stop "babe we need to stop" I grit out just as I release into her again "yea your right" she pants out.I pull out and pull my pants up just as the door opens "SHIT" I say but with a snap of her fingers we are in her car "WHAT THE FUCK" I freak out "you want answers then come on" she says and drives off.

Fae's POV

After mind blowing sex I guess he needs answers. I pull up to the house and notice two other cars here that don't belong here "why are my brother and sister at your house" he asks me "I hate to be rude but um what the fuck is your name" I ask him "Dominic" he says and I smile. I stop the car and turn it off I turn to face him "whatever you see and hear is all on you to deal with Dominic and you can deal with it how you want" I say and get out of the car. I walk into the house and I see everyone in the family room I walk in and see Malcom with some girl and Mak and fang bitch "oh look fang bitch is here you can go now" I say and laugh when he glares at me "FAE" my father warns and I stop "oh look you are scared of something" he says with a sly smile "I will let her kill you now shut up" my father says and I see fang bitch gulp. "What are you two doing her" I hear Dominic say "well im here with my mate"both the girl and fang bitch says "wait your fang bitchs brother"I ask and he laughs and nods."FUCK MY LIFE" I moan and fall on my chair "so I guess he is your mate then" my mother asks with a knowing smile "yea sadly" I say "what is your name" my father asks "Dominic Grey sir" he says and my eyes go wide. "Well lets get this over with" my mother says and I smile 'ima get to show off' Lilly says and I laugh "follow us" my mother says and we all get up and head to the pool. When we get there my father stops us "each of my kids are different but Fae is special" he says looking at me and I smile well until he pushes me and Mak into the pool.

Ifeel the change and look to see Mak hass her purple hair bra and tailshe swims up and Michael freaks so I swim up and he flips out "WHATARE YOU" he hells "oh calm the fuck down its just a tail" Isnap and roll my eyes "what your fish how can I calm down" hesays and I watch Mak tear up some and I sigh "look I warned youthat if you hurt my sister I would kill you and you just made her cryyou son of a bitch" I snap and use my control over water and dumpwater all over him. I laugh as he coughs and spits while Mak mouths'thank you' to me I just nod. "My god your fucking hot" I hearDom say and I smile "oh you to there Mak" he says and she blusheshe looks at me and winks and I know he did to boost her up some "dudelay off" Michael yells and I glare at him "shes scared you hateher now since you flipped out you dumb ass" Dom snaps and I almostlaugh "I don't hate her I love her" Michael says and I go wideeyed along with everyone else "Fae get out your not done" mymother says and I nod. I swim up to Dom and reach up he grabs me andlifts me out of the pool "thanks" I say and he nods.

Iuse my power of heat and dry myself off when im done I notice myclothes are still there "yay I did it" I yell and my mom laughsat me. I look at dad and he is watching me closely "come on intothe front room Mal and Fae get ready" my mother says and I smilethis form is my best one. We walk into the front room and everyonesits down "Mal Fae start" my mom orders and we change. We heargasps and some wows Mal is standing there with black hair, blackeyes, black wings, tattoos all over and me with black hair with redtips, red eyes, black and red wings, with tattoos and piercings "damnbaby you just get sexier don't you" I hear Mal's mate say "mysisters form is so much better" he says and changes back "my godyou look wow" Dom says and I change back. After a few moments thegirl asks "what are you and who are you". I watch my father givea evil smile "well I am Lucian Luciana The Demon King and this ismy mate/wife Aqua Luciana The Queen of Mermaids" he says and wewatch all three of them faint "well that was funny" I say and webust up laughing. After an hour of them being out they start wakingup but the look on Dom's face makes me look at him 'well this cant begood' I say in my family's mind link 'why does he look like that' Makasks me 'not sure but im sure he will tell us' our father says andcuts the link.

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