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After they told me who they where I passed out now I normally wouldnt do that because well of who I am but still its not everyday you find out your mate is the only hybrid that has ever been known to us. I open my eyes and I notice that they are still laughing 'I think its time to let them know who we are' Aidan says 'yea im just not sure how to tell them this' I say and look at my brother and sister 'I think its time we let them know who we really are' I link them both 'yea' they both say. I walk over to Fae and grab her hand "we also have something to tell all of you" I say "and what is that" Lucian asks me with an eyebrow raised "what" Mak asks "well Sir we are the kids of Eric and Alyssa Grey" I say and his eyes turn into slits "you mean to tell that you are the children of the vampire king and queen" he says in a deadly calm voice and I can tell Tamtam and Michael are about to shit them selfs "yes sir" I say but gulp at the same time.

Look im not scare do him ok but this man is stronger then my father,mother,me,my whole damn family put together and that kinda worries me see im not scared. I watch King Lucian whisper something to Queen Aqua "wonderful this should be fun" she says but I can pick up the hate in that whole statement. I look back at Fae and see that she is gone as well I look and also find Mak and Mal are gone also all that remains is me,Tamzian,Michael, and Lucian "I need to talk to you three" he says and walks into a room off the living room.

King Lucian's POV

"I need to talk to you three" I say and walk into my meeting room.They walk in behind me and I can see the look of worry on there faces and to be honest they should be "Dominic you are Fae's mate and there are some things you need to know about her" I say "sir"he asks and I raise my hand to stop him "Fae is special as you three have just seen she is the only hybrid that is know to any supernatural. She as one hell of a temper as you have seen" I say looking at Michael MaKenzi's mate "yea" he mumbles "she will protect her family and the things shes cares about even if that means murder its a fucking drug to her and she cant help it" I say with a sigh "what is she to be honest" Tamzain asks "she is the only Demon/Mermaid hybrid as I have just said. She is the only hybrid known to us and with a demon like hers inside her its worse" I say"wait your saying that my mate is the only hybrid in are world"Dominic says "thats not all" I say and he nods. I look up at the three of them "Fae's demon its all about death and her mermaid is all about destruction there is nothing good about Fae" I say "that so cool" Dominic says. I can't help but shake my head 'that boy has no clue' I say 'let him find out on his own' Lucifer says 'im going to have to I just hope he dont fuck up to bad because we all know what that means and to be honest as her father I cant do it to her' I say and he sighs 'she can handle it she is our daughter and is the next inline for hell' he says 'when did my demon get so smart' I say and he growls and blocks me out. I block Fae out of the family link and let everyone know 'Fae is to be closely watched from now on due to her finding her mate' and everyone agrees I just hope this kid don't piss her off because I wont be able to stop her.

Fae's POV

It has been about three weeks since everything has came out about are mates and everything and I kinda like it still not sure but having a mate is not so bad. Dominic and I have been doing really good but something don't feel right because the last two days I have started getting pains in my belly and chest. I blow them off and keep doing what im doing I havent told anyone about them because I mean whats the point in that really. As of right now Tamtam, Mal , Mak, Michael,and I are all getting ready to go to a party that is being thrown since school is over. I bend over and slip on my open toe pumps when I feel another pain this is the 10th one today "WHAT THE HELL" I roar and the girls jump "whats wrong" they both ask"nothing lets just go" I say putting on a fake smile. They bothnod and we head down stairs to my Ferrari. I watch as Michael gets in Mak's and TamTam gets in Mal's. We head out and pull up at the house where the party is being held 'well damn we are late' Lilly says and I shake my head "come on" Mal says I walk in and people look at me with pity and guilty looks.

I have no clue whats going on until I smell his sent 'so hes already hear' Erosa says and I can feel my eyes start to turn. I walk around until I see Adam standing by a door I walk over to him and he looks up fast as fuck he gulps and its like he has seen a ghost. He blinks back and his face pales "wh what ar are y yo you d d doing here"he says "whats behind the door Adam" I ask "its um" he goes to say but is cut off when it opens and two people walk out hand and hand "Adam shes not here yet" I hear his voice asks but stops when he looks up and sees me standing there. 

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