Lies,Pain,and The Princess Of Darkness

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His eyes get wide and he drops the girls hand "yea im here but not for long" I say and walk away "Fae im sorry" he yells. I walk until I am now standing on the make shift stage the music stops when I glare at the dj and I grab a mic. "Everyone I have an announcement to make" I say in a deadly calm voice "sis whats wrong" I hear Mal ask me. I look over at Dominic and Kelly "as most of you know I am Dominic Grey's mate but I have a few things I need to say. First how many of you knew he was cheating on me" I snap. People gasp, a few look down , and there are four faces that are pissed off "call dad" I hear my brother say and I smile. "I want everyone but Adam that knew about Dominic and Kelly to come up here along with them two" I say calmly by this time my brother,Michael, Tamzian, and MaKinze are up here with me "baby girl don't do this" Tamzian says and I look at her "Malcom her eyes shit" I hear Mak say. The ten people that knew about Dom and Kelly walk up with them two in front of them they all look scared and they should be "im not going to kill you" I say in a dead voice "I want to thank you" I seethe at them and they all jump. I look and see my mother who looks dead ass scared and my father who has many looks on his face but the most one is pain I also notice that Dominic's father and mother are here also 'oh this keeps getting better and better' Erosa snaps 'it does but im not done' I say and she goes quite 'Fae don't he is are mate' Lilly says 'he cheated on us broke us and you want me to take him back FUCK YOU' I snap and she goes quite.

I step up to Dominic and touch his face 'this is the last time you will ever feel this I hope she was worth it' I mind link him and his eyes snap to mine 'don't do' he goes to say but I cut him off "I Fae Luciana reject you Dominic Grey as my mate" I say in a firm voice and watch as he drops to his knees. Both families are in shock at what I did my neck starts burn and I almost drop to my knees "whats wrong with her" I hear some one ask my dad "shit" I hear him shout. I move my hair and look at where my mark was its gone but inits place is a hooded reaper with a scythe in its right hand, a script in its left hand. A crown on his head and underneath it the words la morte a tutti (death to all in Italian). "GOD DAMN IT DOMINIC I TOLD YOU" my father yells "sir i" he stops and drops his head "I warned you not to piss her off but because you couldn't keep your dick in your pants her full powers are awakened" he says and I can tell he is scared at what I may do "don't put this all on my god damn son demon" another guy says and I turn to look at him"watch how you speak to my family LEACH" I roar and the guy bows his head. "What is she" Kelly asks scared to death and she should be I plan on killing her soon (evil smile) "dad just tell them its out know" Mak says with a sad look and I almost feel bad but I don't "she is the only mermaid/demon hybrid hell the only hybrid for that matter" he says "Lucian tell them" my mother says "she is" he pauses and looks at me "The Princess of Darkness" he says looking me dead in the eyes. Everyone backs up most people have run for there lives and I can't really blame them "she aint shit"I hear Kelly say "shes pissed off that I have been fucking my boyfriend Dominic and this is all for attention" she says and my father looks at her "keep talking and its your funeral" he says stepping back. I walk up to her and smile "if you want him take him" I say "fine" she says and goes to walk around me but I grab her by her neck and slam her against the wall "oh thats right you can't" I say with a sinister smile "wh why is that" she chocks out "because" I reply and rip her head off and watch as blood sprays all over me "thats why" I say and toss her head at Dominic "her mouth is still good im sure you can use it" I say and walk to the door. I stop and turn to look at everyone "I am coming back Dominic Grey and when I do I will end you" I say to him and turn to look at everyone else "if any of you side with him I will kill you to I don't care if your my family or not" I say and disappear in a cloud of black and red smoke.

Malcom's POV

What the fuck just happen I mean what the fuck happen to my little sister I mean yea she looked bad ass her hair was half black and half red the black part had red highlights and the red half had black highlights, her eyes where all red with silver rings around them, her wings my god they where like black out lined in sliver and tipped with blood on them they just wow 'shes gone my sister is gone'Matthew my demon cries and he never cries. I turn to Dominic "what the fuck have you done" I yell at him "shes going to come back and kill your ass and its like you don't fucking care" I snap and feel a hand on my arm . I look down and see Mak standing there with tears in her eyes and I sigh "you think I don't fucking care I just lost everything my mate, my other half, my best friend, and my child" he says in a whisper "you mean" his mom asks "yes my mom nods and I drop to my knees "this wont end well shes having the child of the man that hurt and broke her" my father says "I WANT MY SISTER BACK" me and Mak yell at the same time "I cant believe you done that to your mate Dominic" his father snaps "what are we going to do now" Mak asks me and I shake my head saying that I didn't know.

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