Drunk,Dominic,and mate

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Fae's POV

Im now sitting in my room drinking anything I can find witch is a lot"how the fuck could you say that to your sister Fae" I hear a male voice. I look up and see my father standing there pissed off"well hello to you dear father what do I owe the pleasure" I say sarcastically he looks at me and growls "your attitude its gettin gthe best of you baby girl" he says with a sigh and I bust up laughing. He looks at me like I have grown two heads "this dear father is who I am im just like you" I say with a slur but drink some more. He sighs and turns to leave but stops at my door "they are true mates Fae you cant stop them from being together. You will find your mate one day and you will know how they feel" he says and is gone in a puff a smoke. Oh shit I don't want a damn mate to much drama and bull shit but what I do want is to keep drinking and forget all about today 'your a dumb one' I hear my demon say and I laugh'but your stuck with me dumb ass' I say back and she shuts up.

Damn my heads going to kill me in the morning oh well guess people will stay the fuck outta my way or die its there call really. Not like I would care or miss them if I killed them its way to fun not to kill people but I can not let anyone know about that or they will put me in a padded room with a self hug me jacket. Oh I really want one of them I will have to go get one myself because that would be so cool a jacket that lets you hug yourself 'your fucking drunk' I hear my brother say in are link 'no yea maybe your point' I say 'Fae where are you' he asks 'you will never take me alive' I yell and cut the link HA take that you big dumb dumb head.

Dominic's POV

Im sitting on my bed when I hear my twin come home bitching to Tamzian. It has to do with this bitchy girl who made his mate cry 'WAIT HE FOUND HIS MATE BEFORE US' my vampire yells and I grab my head 'shit oww man damn' I say. I block my vamp out and my brother is still bitching about blah blah I don't really care "bro" I hear him say. I let out a sigh and look at him "yea" I say "I need your help" he says and I laugh " with what Michael" I say looking amused "this damn girl needs to be put in her damn place" he yells and I glare at him. Why did I just glare I think to myself who knows but oh well "look this damn girl killed a guy because he beat her sister who is my mate shes fucking crazy" he says and I look at him "dude your dumb if shes nuts then leave her be" I say "BRO SHE KILLED MOLLY TODAY" he yells and I snap my head back to him"what else" I ask "4 broken arms 3 broken noses and Molly" he says "fine im in" I say and he nods "now get out I need sleep"I say and he does. Well tomorrow will and should be fun I get to meet a crazy ass bitch who likes to kill people 'dude' I ask my brother'yea' he says confused 'is she human' I say 'yea they all are' he says and I shut my eyes I will just eat her then.

Fae's POV

I heard Mal and Mak come home but I was passed out but could hear everything they said and if that fang dick wants war I will give him one but he will lose. I wake up to find Mak yelling and shit braking"what the fuck" I snap "I DONT KNOW WHAT TO WEAR" she cries"clothes duh" I snap and reach for my sunglasses "but I want to look nice for Michael" she says and I gag "look just be you don't fucking change for anyone he is your mate and should want you no matter what you look like" I say shocked by what I just said "yea your right" she says and grabs her green skinny jeans and a white top. I shake my head and go have a shower. I get out and grab a pair of ripped jean shorts a black off the shoulder top and my vans. I get dressed and grab my black leather jacket "I will meet you guys there my heads killing me" I say and they nod. I walk over to my Ferrari 458 that is black and silver and get in I take out my silver sunglasses and put them on because my eyes are red today witch means its not going to end well if someone pisses me off. I pull out of the drive way and make it to school in 2 minutes I pull in and all eyes are on me well my car I laugh when I pull into next to Mak's car its funny how we all think alike. I get out of the car and the most mouthwatering smell hits my noise it smells like blood,apples and ax body spray. I look around and my eyes land on a 6'5, 200lbs, black hair,muscular, tattoos, piercings, and sexy as fuck grey eyes. Damn I think I just got off in my pants hot damn hes sexy he starts to walkover to me but gets stopped by fang dick. Oh thank god 'fuck' I yellin my head 'what' 'the fuck man' my mer and demon say 'mate' I say and they shut up fast I blame this god damn hangover because today is not my day.

Dom's POV

Damn that girl is fucking hot and I think I may need to go home and change my boxers she has long black hair, I couldnt see her eyes through the sunglasses, shes about 5'4, 150lbs, tattoos and piercings all over,her boobs and body are fucking perfect. I start walking to her when my brother stops me "dude that the girl" he says and I stop"really" I say shocked "yea" he says glaring at her I slap him in the head and he looks at me "what the fuck man" he snaps and I laugh at his face. How can I protect my mate and my brother well fuck my life 'she is are mate he will get over it now fucking go to her' my vamp Aidan says and I roll my eyes 'shes gone' I say looking around 'I hate you' he says and blocks me out. All my damn classes go by so damn slow and its like they drag out but there haesnt been any sign of my mate and the only person missing in my classes is a girl named Fae Luciana. Lunch rolls around and I walk into the cafe as we call it I don't know why they just do I look around and see my family and MaKenzi witch I found out was Michael's mate and her brother and twin Malcom. I walk over to them and drop my shit down "whats wrong with you" Tamtam asks me "nothing" I say Mak looks at me and goes to say something but gets cut off by the doors slamming open and everyone gets quite quick.

I watch as my mate walks in "bitch" my brother says and I hiss at him "the fuck is your deal" he snaps I shake my head and turn back to see her looking at the table with a pissed off look 'oh this wont end well' Aidan says and I nod my head. She gets closer to the table and I notice she still has her sunglasses on when she gets to the table my world stops "well well if it isesnt fang bitch and his butt buddies" she sneers at him "well well if it isent the bitch who upsets her family and is a family fuck up" he grits out holding on to Mak "I may be a family fuck up but I can fuck you up fang bitch" she seethes "bring it bitch" he yells while standing up.He goes to punch him and she dodges him with little effort she brings back her fist and punches him so hard she brakes his jaw "I told you fang bitch you have know clue who your dealing with" she says in a low tone that sends shivers down my spine. 

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