Gone,more pain,and the baby

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Dominic's POV

I fucked up big time I just lost everything my mate, my girl, my best friend, my life and my only heir "what am I going to do" I roar and punch the wall next to me 'get my mate and child back you fucking asshole' Aidan seethes at me. "You fucked up bro" Michael snaps at me and I turn to glare at him "you don't think I no that dip shit" I yell "don't get pissed at him because you fucked up and lost everything Dominic Christain Grey" my mother says. I blink back and look at my mother never in my 19 years of life has she ever said my full name and that hurts like hell. I drop to my knees I know I fucked up and lost everything but what can I do to get her back"I say as a the tears start to fall "wait hang on is that is that tears" I hear Adam say "what the fuck is Dom crying over a girl"my father says "MARK THIS ON A CALENDER" Tamzian yells and they all bust up laughing "im glad that you Grey's think this is funny but Ijust lost my fucking daughter" I hear Lucian say and everyone stops"im sorry its just Dom always said that he would never cry over any girl not even his mate" Michael says and Lucian growls at him. I look at everyone and all over different looks Tamzian has pity,Michael has sadness, mom has hate and distaste on hers, dad looks like hes ready to murder some one (me), Queen Aqua looks scared,lost,hurt,and worried, Malcom has hate (for me),and sadness,MaKenzi has pity,worry,sadness,and another I cant quite make out,Adam has a guilty look on his face because he helped me, and last but not least King Lucian he has hate (me), pride (for Fae), worry, pain,hurt, and lastly love for all of his family.

I feel hands on my shoulders I look up and see my father and King Lucian both standing there both with the same look on there faces"because you are my son I will stand by your side and help you"my father says "she is my daughter and to be honest I want to fucking kill you but me and my family will also stand with you and help you" he says with a blank look on his face "but she said"I go to say but Queen Aqua stops me "we heard her but only we can at least try" she says with a sigh and I feel bad that there putting there lives on the line for me. Its not fair to them or Fae. Just thinking about her makes me feel sick "im sorry" I say dropping my head again "everyone fucking up trust me" my father says looking at my mother "hes right we do no one is perfect" she says looking at him "but I messed up the worst kind of way" I yell and slam my fists on the floor "Dominic Lucian cheated on me many times when we first met and found out we where mates. I hated him for it so I left I went back home. For 8 months people told me that he had showed up to take me back but they never let him in. I was there Queen and they knew that he had hurt me it took me a year before I would even see him in person again. It took him 4 years to make everything up to me and it was then that I found out I was having the twins" Aqua says and looks at her husband "he never wanted a mate he hated the idea and he thought by cheating and everything it would brake are bond but it never did but when I left it hurt him more then anything because he was a king and needed hisq ueen just as an alpha needs his luna" she says with a sad smile.

I look up at her "I don't understand" I say "after I came back to him and we found out about the twins he never even looked at another women he fired all of them that worked for him he changed" she says"so your saying that in time Fae will forgive me" I say "I am but im also saying that it will only happen if you change Dominic because if you keep this up you will be alone or dead" she says and walks over to her family. "You may want to plan something because she can attack at anytime. Remember that she is stronger then any of us put together and can take out a whole country" Lucian says with a weird look "be safe Grey family because she will come after you first" Aqua says with a sad smile "just make sure you keep your end of the deal" my father says "if it happens I will do what has to be done" Lucian says and they disappear into a cloud of smoke."What are you talking about" my mom asks "if she attacks then he will stop her" my father says as we blink to our house "what does that mean" I ask scared of the answer "he will kill her"he says and we all look at him with wide eyes "his own daughter"my mother asks "thats not all" he says "what else" Tamtam asks "it will also cost him his life" he says and walks away. I watch as he walks into his office and shuts the door "Lucian would kill his on child" Michael says in shock "to save all of us yes"are mom says and sighs "get some sleep we have shit to do" she says and walks to her room. I go to my room but pull my phone out"yes sir" Bri says "find her track her I don't give a damn find her" I say "yes sir" he says and hangs up "sending out the trackers my dear brother" Adam says "I am" I say and lay on my bed "im sorry" he says "for what" I ask looking at him "I should have warned you like we planed but she just came out of nowhere" he says with tears in his eyes "Adam its my fault that you where there and I think she knew that thats why she left you alone when she called us on stage. I think she knew it was all me and Kelly's idea and you where just in the wrong place wrong time" I say trying to make him feel better. Adam is a good kid hell hes better then all of us older ones he stays home studies gets good grades doesn't go to parties the works so hes not at fault I don't blame him for this at all. He lets out a sigh "im sorry about the baby" he says and I look at him "its my fault Adam let it go I will get it back" I say "I just never mind" he says and walks off leaving me to my thoughts.

Bri calls me back many times but its like she has dropped off the face of the earth and its fucking killing me. It went from a few days to weeks to months to years. It has been hell for me and her family all of us has tried looking but came up with nothing I am now sitting with Malcom and Tamzain in a cafe drinking blood "can you believe it will be five years tomorrow" Tamtam says and I stiffen "that long already shit" Malcom says looking at me "I need to go" I say and run out the door. I get home and notice that everyone is gone"five years Fae what the hell are you doing" I ask myself and walk into my room.

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