War,Death,The Twins

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Dom's POV

'Theres a picture on your bed Dominic' I hear her voice I run up the stairs and burst into my room I see it on my bed. I walk over and pick it up its a picture of a graveyard I flip it over 'go to them' it says and I do just that I blink to the graveyard. What I see drops me to my knees 'Alucard Dante Grey October 31 2017 to October 31 2017' and Alexzandira Dianne Grey October 31 2017 to October 31 2017' I stare at the tombstones and feel drops on my hands 'she she gave them your last name' Aidan says 'I will kill her for this I swear' I growl 'calm down Dominic' Aidan says and I close my eyes and count to ten.I open my eyes and stand up 'its time to end this' I say to myself and blink home 'Dom im so much closer then you think my love' her voice says in my head 'I don't love you anymore Fae your crazy your nuts' I snap 'good to know' she says.

Fae's POV

I stand and watch him as he cries over the twins 'this is so wrong'Lilly finally speaks 'it has to be done' I say and she blocks me back out. It has been a month since I got here with my pack and it has been fun driving them all nuts most times I send notes or pictures other times I go myself and let my sent out its funny to watch them run out of the house. Everyday thought Dom goes to the twins graves and tells them the same thing he says every time 'I will make her pay' and more its kinda sad no not really. I walk back into the pack house and Cayden stops me "when" he says and I look at him"tonight have everyone ready its time this ends" I say and head to my room. I need to rest im beyond tired for some reason I get woke up by Cayden walking into my room "its time princess" he says and I sit up "lets do this" I say and walk out of the room.

We get to a clearing between my pack house and his house "get ready"I yell and step into the clearing. I release my sent and let all my power flow out to not only my alpha power but my dark powers as well'they will be here in about five' I link them and sit down. As I said they where standing on the other side in five Dom is the first to step out "why are you all here" his voice booms. I make myself known to him and stand up "there here for me" I say and he looks taken back "Luna why" he says but I cut him off "im not there Luna I am there Alpha and Princess" I roar and watch them all flinch back. I let the real me be known I bring my red and black smoke around me and when it clears everyone on there side gasps "Fa Fae" my mother says and I smile "yes my dear family its me" I say with a sly smile I turn to Dom and smile 'I told you I was closer then you think" I say and laugh as my men charge.

"FAE STOP THIS DON'T DO THIS" my father yells trying to fight his way tome "to late father" I say and look at Dom who is looking at me"you will pay for what you have done Fae" he says and charges for me. I try to move but I cant 'what the fuck' I yell 'Fae its' Erosa trys to tell me but gets cut off 'what the fuck LILLY' I yell 'we die here Fae' she says and blocks me out. Just as I go to turn I am slamed into a tree "how could you" he sneers at me I say nothing but look into his eyes "god damn it Fae tell me" he whispers. I can't answer him everything that I done to him comes back to me because of Lilly 'I told you I would stop you Fae and this was my only choice' she says and I smile 'thank you' I tell her I look and see my twins standing with Cayden and Ryder 'I love you my babbies remember that mommy loves you' I mind link them 'yes mommy' they say'you two know what to do when im gone yea' I link Cayden and Ryder'we do princess' they say ' Ken your are alpha of your pack again' I tell him and I smile. I look back at Dominic and he has nothing but hate on his face "fine" he yells and bites me. I can feel him draining my life and the only reason can is because Lilly has taken over and its letting him "thank you Dominic and remember that I never stopped loving you" I say and close my eyes for my finale rest.

Dom's POV

"Thank you Dominic and remember that I never stopped loving you" Fae says and closes her eyes "wait please don't leave me" I beg her but its to late shes gone "sir the fighting has stopped lets go" my guard says "I can't leave her here alone" I cry "she chose this not you" her father says kneeling next to me "but she" I go to say but he stops me "come on lets get you home its time" he says.I blink back to my house and end up in my room looking at the picture of me and her back in school 'im sorry' her voice says in my head and I let the tears fall.

Its been about a week since her death and its killing myself she still loved me and I killed her 'but she killed are twins' Aidan says and I sigh 'I know' I say back and block him out 'Dominic you have guests'my father says in link 'ok' I say and get up and head to the front room. I stop dead when I see Cayden and another guy standing there"who are you" I ask him "Ryker I was one of Fae's thirds" he says "why are you here" I ask them "we have to give you something" Cayden says and steps to the side. Standing next to him are a set of twins the girl has long black hair red eyes with silver flakes and the boy has black hair with silver eyes with red flakes "who are they" I ask confused "Dominic meet Alucard and Alexzandria Grey" Ryker says with a small smile "wait you mean" Malcom asks and Cayden nods "they where never dead it was all she had left of you" he says with a look in his eyes "there yours now she hid them from you for reasons im sure you know" Ryder says coldly and they both poof.

I stand there looking at my twins "ummm hi im" I go to say but they cut me off "HI DADDY" they both run up and hug me. I burst into tears "mommy told us all about you. She said that you loved us but you didn't lover her" they say together and kiss me. I watch as they run around and hug everyone her parents, mine, her brother and sister and mine "she also said thank you" Alex says walking back to me. She told them about me why she hated me 'I never hated you Dom just hated what you did t o me. You where the only one you could stop me so thank you and look after our twins' her voice says and is then gone. I brake right then and there she let me kill her she wanted to die she loved me "WHAT HAVE I DONE" I cry and hang my head in shame "whats wrong" Lucian asks me "she never hated me she wanted me to kill her to stop her I was the only one" I say and everyone looks at me with sad faces.

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