Your Alive and We are WHAT

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its been three days since the twins where brought here and its been a lot of fun they are just to much. I can tell that both are hybrid Alucard is Demon/vampire and Alex is Mermaid/Vampire its funny really. We are sitting down eating dinner when there is a knock on the door "I will get it" my mom says and I nod. I watch her get up and walk to the door everyone is still sad about the loss of Fae and its killing me but the twins seem fine. As I go to take a drink I hear my mom scream I jump up along with everyone else and run into the front room. When we get there what we see makes us all stop dead my mom is standing there hugging Fae "wh what is this" I ask Fae looks up and smiles and thats when I see the fangs "you didnt kill me you just turned me" she says looking at me "this can't be happing"I say looking at her "MOMMY" the twins yell and run up to her"hey babbies" she says and picks them up "have you been good"she asks "yep but we missed you and you told us that you would be back soon" the wine "wait you knew that she wasent dead" I ask them "yep" they say popping the p "there just like there mother" Lucian says next to me and I can't help but smile. Fae looks at me and I can see the guilt and pain in her eyes 'im sorry' she says in my mind 'why are you here' I ask her 'I came back to see the twins and then leave because I have caused to much pain for myself and you' she says and my eyes go wide 'your going to leave again' Iask and she gives me a sad smile 'there is no fixing what I have done to you or are families Dominic' she says and I let out a sigh. I walk up to her and touch her face 'I lover you Fae' I say and kiss her.She kisses back with just as much love but it soon stops when we both hit the floor in pain "what the hell" I cry out "this hurts"I hear her cry. After what feels like hours the pain stops and we just lay there "my god it can't be" my mother says "it seems to be" Aqua says. I stand up as does Fae we look around and notice that everyone is bowing to us "what the fuck no stop that get up"Fae says with a weird look on her face "whats going on" I ask"well my son you and Fae are the King and Queen of all Supernaturals" Lucian says with a proud smile on his face. "I can't be I don't think I can be" Fae says I turn to look at her and notice her appearance. She has on a long blood red dress with red pumps on to match, her nails are done in black, her make up looks my god her eyes are done in cat eyes but its red not black her lips are blood red, and her crown is black with different color stones in it'the stones are for the different supernatural species' Lucian says as if reading my mind. I look at myself and almost pass out im in a black suit with a blood red tie that matches Fae's dress black dress shoes and my crown is black with the same stones as Fae's "this is a bad ass look" I say looking at myself and my brothers laugh "yep just as dumb" Michael says and I glare at him.

Fae walks over to me and grabs my hand "well my king come on" Fae says taking my hand "where to" I ask "to try and fix are relationship" she says and everyone cheers and claps. We walk up to my room and she sits down on my bed "I know" she goes to say something but I pin her on the bed and kiss her "i don't care what happen as long as im with you and have you by my side thats all that matters" I say "I love you Dominic" she says and grabs my hair and smashed her lips to mine. I run my hands down her body and can feel the heat coming off her "my god your so gorgeous" I moan into her mouth "all for you" she moans out and I lose it. I bite into her neck to claim her as mine again I pull my fangs out and lick the holes to stop the bleeding. She pulls my head to the side and bites down to mark me after she is done she pulls her teeth out and licks the holes "wow" she says "what" I ask "are marks are wow" she says and I look at her confused. "Look at mine what do you see" she says she tilts her head to the side "OH wow" I say"what do you see" she says "its a grim reaper with a scythe inits right hand, scroll in the left, with a gem stones all around it but it has DCG on the blade of the scythe" I say "im sure yours says FAL on it" she says licking my mark and making me shiver that night we worked everything out and then some.

Tha twas over a year ago a week after that we were married and everyone was happy to have her back. I am now sitting in my office thinking about everything and then smile 'she maybe the Princess of Darkness but she is my wife and mate and I love her to the ends of the world 'Aidan says and I smile. Fae walks in with a pained look on her face"babe we need to talk" she says and I look up "about" I ask"well see I went to dr today and well" she says looking at her feet. I get up and walk to her "Fae what is it" I say trying to hold back the fear in my voice. She starts crying and grabs her belly"baby whats wrong please tell me your scaring me and as your king im not allowed to be scared" I beg with her and she smiles at my comment. "Come with me" she says walking out of the room I follow her out and down the stairs to the kitchen where both are families are waiting "umm what are you all doing here" I ask kinda surprised "Fae told us to come" my mom says looking at me then to Fae. I notice a box on the table "what is that" I ask "its for you now open it" Fae says looking at me. I sit down on a chair and grab the box I notice Fae is sitting on the counter watching me I open the box and a balloon floats out 'congrats daddy' it says. I look at it wide eyed just as everyone else we turn to look at Fae who has a its a boy card in her hand "you mean" I ask getting up "yes love" she says with a smile on her face "your having another baby" are parents ask us at the same time "we are" Fae nods"congrats you guys" everyone says. "Well since Fae told I will to" Tamzian says "what" I ask looking at her "im expecting also" she says and we all laugh. I walk up to Fae and kiss her"thank you" I tell her "for what" for everything Mrs Grey"I say kissing her. 

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