Chapter 15 - Was It Worth It?

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As you stumbled forward, your eyes widened in surprise as you realized that the person you had almost collided with was none other than Vienna.

At that moment, your gaze was drawn to her delicate face, and you felt a mixture of both embarrassment and realization wash over you. You quickly released your grip on her and took a step back, feeling uneasy. Vienna turned towards you, and you could see a look of concern on her face as she asked if you were okay.

"I didn't know you were the drunk type," she kneeled down slightly and helped you up, gently grabbing ahold of your hand, and throwing her arm around your waist to help you keep balance. "I.. am.. not... drunk.." you attempted to refute, but your words came out jumbled and incoherent, betraying your true condition.

You heard a long sigh come from her mouth, but that only made you feel even more guilty. "Where's... Jude..?" you asked her, hoping they'd come over together. You frowned slightly, the alcohol amplifying your emotions and making you feel frustrated. You hated how it was affecting you, making your feelings more intense and harder to control.

Vienna glanced around after you asked where he was, but it was clear she was hesitant to reply. She definitely wasn't as drunk as you were, so she was able to understand and comprehend your over-the-top emotions right now. "I don't know, maybe he's in the bathroom? I'm going to get some water for you, it's going to be okay. Stay here, okay?"

Her voice soothed your feelings or worry as to where Jude was. You nodded at her comment but knew you were going to get up and leave anyway the moment she disappeared.

After making you sit down, she hurried to the kitchen. Once you turned your head to ensure she was out of sight, you mustered the strength to stand and began walking, seeking out any clear path away from the crowd.

You stumbled past several groups of people who were chatting and enjoying the music. The sounds felt overwhelming now, amplified by your state, and the music seemed much louder and more jarring than you remembered, adding to your discomfort.

As you continued walking, the nausea grew stronger, and you began to regret leaving the spot where Vienna had helped you sit down. The movement and the overwhelming noise only seemed to worsen it.

You saw a nearby couch and quickly stumbled towards it, finally managing to sit down. You didn't realize the other people who were also sitting down due to how sick you felt.

You hugged your stomach, desperately trying to calm yourself and alleviate the nausea. Regret washed over you as you thought about all the drinks you'd consumed. This was an experience you certainly wouldn't be eager to repeat anytime soon.

"Vampire? Where's your fangs?" you suddenly heard a deep, unfamiliar voice coming from the person sitting next to you. Turning your head, you were surprised to see an older student, someone who looked distinctly more mature and definitely wasn't in your grade. His presence seemed out of place among the crowd of younger students. You couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and unease, wondering what this upperclassman might want from you.

Before you could ask him anything, he casually draped his arm around you, as if you were long-time friends. The sudden physical contact caught you off guard and made you feel a bit uneasy, but you did your best to stay calm and composed.

You didn't reply, still focused on managing your nausea. You heard the boy let out a chuckle and felt him scoot closer, his leg brushing against yours. The proximity only heightened your discomfort.

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