Ch 23

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Both Lisa and Jungkook had a frown on their face .

These information was totally new to them. Lisa looked at her then spoke

" What happened next?".

Carla was silent for sometimes, then spoke with a light voice

" We all were shock when we got to know Kai did that though he protested he did not but all the evidence were towards him.

We had also thought of reporting it to the police but our boss denied it, telling it might ruin the company reputation and told everyone of us to keep our mouth close or we could forget our job.

Jade protested to it and told that she would inform these to the police but our boss kicked her out of the company and wrote such bad things in her resume that made her unable to get any job later.

Her parents were devastated and cried but we could not do anything and at last Kai was also kicked out from the company .

Later we never saw Jade but everyone in the company knew about the incident about Kai .

And everyone despised him. Though I liked him .

I was also disgusted about what Kai did, we could have never imagined he would rape someone.

Even David got a huge shock, he trusted him the most among us and that was the time he could not believe anything .

He tried to denied it but the evidence was right in front of us and we could not do anything about it.

And I don't know if you know that Kai was a good guy but he cared very much for his reputation and could not tolerate even a little humiliation and so it was a huge blow to him.

That was the first time I saw Kai that angry. That day after that incident I was on my to Kai's cabin to ask why the hell he did that, but I could hear clearly from outside the sound of things smashing and breaking.

Kai was throwing all the decorations on the floor breaking them. I could hear him scream and it was terrifying.

I was even afraid to go inside the room in fear that I might get hit by something.

Even if we tried to believe that Kai did not did that'but were left with no choice"

Carla's eyes were already red and tears were streaming down from them. Jungkook had no expression on his face and asked her

" But, then you all did not try to investigate anything. Did Jade really saw that it was Kai, as per you told it was pitched black so it was hardly possible to see the person face".

Carla spoke with a little trembling voice

" Even Jade was shocked that Kai could do such things. She knew that Kai liked her but it was not possible for him to do that and that time Jade was not in right mind and her only thought was that Kai did it".

she paused for sometime then with some hesitation she spoke

" When Kai left the company, the business was going well but after six months or so it started to have some problem and we got to know that our

Boss was doing something which was illegal and we were totally clueless about that then... then we got to know that.... that our boss was the one who

did that ra-ape and, and gave the blame on Kai

When Jade got to know that she did not know what to do. She was blaming herself for not believing in Kai that time.

We contacted Kai but he refused to talk to any of us about that matter.

We all felt so guilty to think that how Kai felt that time but then what has been done cannot be reverse

When Kai was blame that time those six months I always tried to tell me that no Kai is a criminal and I should not have sympathy for him but when he was proved innocent

I was so happy but then not only after a year had passed the murder started to happen then Kai , you know everything.

Still now I don't know what is right and what is wrong though I knew that Kai was captured by doing investigation but I could not imagine he did something like that".

Carla was silent after that . Even Lisa was quiet, the coffee on the table had turned cold, after few minutes passed she just asked one question

" please give us the address of Jade". Carla nodded

She handed them a piece of paper to them with the address of Jade.

Then they both got up to leave , when they were outside Lisa locked at Jungkook then spoke

" These is now more complicated, basically psychopath tend to react due to some past conflict then it is very common that Kai did these crime because he was accused of the rape then it did not match with his wife's incident . If he was to take revenge then what about his wife ".

Jungkook was silent and did not spoke anything he turned towards her

" Lets go to these address first. these will help us with one more step".

The address was quiet far from there. It was already noon . Jungkook was not tired at all

Lisa asked him that she could drive but he refused that he was fine.

During the drive Lisa dozed off. Jungkook saw a little frown on her face then noticed the sun light coming from the window and falling on her face.

Jungkook reached out with his hand to close the window and as it was tinted the light was blocked sparsely .

Jungkook looked at her face , now the frown was gone. Her face was little tired but still very lively , her long eyelashes were touching her skin and the shadow was seen on her face.

Her hair was a little messy. Jungkook reached out his hand to remove the strand of hair which fell on her face.

When his hand touched her skin he felt a different sensation. Her skin was smooth and soft and Jungkook had a urge to squeeze her cheeks, but he held that urge to himself.

Then he focused his eyes on the road . He could here her soft breathe.

Again he turned towards her and watched her face. Her lips were parted slightly and he could smell her sweet breathe.

He looked at her lips and these time he had a urge to kiss her lips . But he thought he should restrain his desire.

He remembered that he promised Lisa he will tell her later and these can wait.

Once these case was over he would arrange a surprise for her and thinking these a smile appeared on his face.


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