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Lisa was confused and instantly dialed Jennie's number.

"Hello, who is these".

Jennie had not saved Lisa's number so she couldn't recognize her.

"Jennie it's Lisa, do you know anyone name Kyle".

Upon hearing the name Jennie was quiet then spoke

"yeah, kai's name was Kyle. At first I knew it was his name later after sometime he told me that, Kyle was his english name and Kai was actually his name.
I never pondered about it much it was just a name. And I thought it was not much important ".

Lisa knew these will come out like these. Lisa didn't told anything and then hang up.

Now it was clear that Kai did all the crime because he was trigger due to that Jade's incident and did all the murder.

And Kyle has nothing to do with any of these. Though Jennie left him, it didn't made me crazy.

And how Kai did all of these it was still a secret. Most probably, he had removed every information about Kyle but then why suddenly Kyle changed his name to Kai, was that to trick Jennie.

But what would he get out of that. Lisa was busy with her thoughts and didn't realize when they had reached the airport.

Jungkkok had already asked to book their tickets immediately.  Lisa knew if they hurry also, there might not be able to catch Kai in a short period of time.

Lisa knew Jungkook knew these as well . They had already contacted the people who will take the car back.

After parking the car, both got out and head towards the airport. Jungkook was quiet and one could sense the cold aura around him.

It was unlikely the Jungkook ,Lisa knew. They waited at the waiting area.

Though they had managed to book a flight there was still some time left before the flight.

They were running here and there since the morning and now it's close to noon. Lisa was feeling a little hungry.

She was sitting next to Jungkook and saw him making several ph calls. Most probably instructing something to others. Upon sensing her gaze Jungkook looked at her.

She was looking at him with her calm eyes. Jungkook didn't know other than when he is teasing Lisa,  she always had a calm expression.

Only when he teases her that she is shy and showed other emotions. Other than that , her eyes are always like a stagnant pool of waters.

He hanged up the ph , when Lisa asked him

"kyle also fooled jennie in believing that he is kai, i just now called her to confirm".

Jungkook didn't show a shocked expression, cause he had expected these outcome.

But for now there goal was to find Kai . When waiting Jungkook asked Lisa wether she wants to eat something or not.

Lisa was hungry so she nodded her head. Jungkook asked her to wait for him there and went to buy some food, he returned fast with hot meat stuffed buns and yogurt. 

Jungkook handed her a bun and he also had one.

They both sat silently as they ate their buns, no one was talking they both were immersed in the thoughts of the case.

After finishing their food , they got up cause their flight name had been announced .

They both didn't have any luggage with them, only their passports and other important doucuments.

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