Ch 27

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When the elevator arrived. Lisa stepped in and then the doors closed behind her. Reaching her hotel room.

She went inside. Lisa took a change of clothes and went inside. She had been in these dress from the morning and now it is soaked in her sweat.

After freshing up, she took out her laptop and placed it on the table and started writing the report.

The weather outside was little hot but inside with the air conditioner , it was much relaxing.

As she was writing the report, she suddenly thought of something. She got up and took the files of the case from two years back.

Here all the deceased victim were found on Wednesday and went missing was on Monday.

But why did Kai started these all after two years. It was not possible that he was not triggered by the incident of Jade.

Then he might be busy with some work but according to Jennie he was jobless and if he was not working then what exactly he did that two years.

Today Eunwoo message her and informed that the four suspect all had a job and are working.

That time Lisa was shocked as per her , she concluded that the one doing the crime is a person without a job which makes it more easy for the murdered to commit the crime with more time in hand.

But her conclusion was wrong. Though it was not sure that the murderer is among these four.

As she was thinking these she heard the click of the door knob opening. She turned her head to see Jungkook coming in.

Lisa looked at him and saw him staring at her then she turned her head like nothing happened.

"Tomorrow we will go to the orphanage were Kai used to stay ".

Lisa looked at him, then nodded. Their flight back is in the evening and tomorrow is Monday.

Even though they have set up security and police are always on duty Lisa just cannot brush away the thought of if someone is kidnapped.

She has almost done half of the report and just need to ask some question to Jungkook before finalizing it.

Jungkook took of his windbreaker then placed it on the rack. Lisa looked at him as he came near her.

Lisa was sitting on the chair which was back facing him. Jungkook stood behind her and just took a glance at the report before going to the bathroom.

Lisa was almost finish with her report when Jungkook came out from the bathroom. His hair was wet and water was dripping from his hair.

He has a towel in his hand as he dried his hair. He was wearing a white Tshirt and his strong arms were visible to her.

When he saw Lisa looking at him , he smiled faintly and came near her. He put his one hand on the desk from the back and lean closed to look at the laptop screen.

Now his face was just right beside Lisa. She could smell the scent of shower gel and the fragrance of cigarette mixed with it.

The smell was intoxicating and which made her doze off for a moment.
Jungkook then asked

" also write about what Jennie told us about Kai's behavior "

his voice came just beside her ear as his hot breathe touched her side cheeks. It made a tingling sensation.

She could not pinpoint what these was but she felt itchy there where his breathe fell.


Jungkook called her, in response she turned her head

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