Chapter III : Stranger

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Quest strolled up, breaking the weird vibe. "Dynasty, who were you chatting with?" he asked, scratching his head in confusion.

Dynasty jumped a bit, turning to Quest, kind of forgetting about the shady dude he was just talking to. "Uh, not sure, man," he said, shooting a glance back to where the stranger was hanging out just a minute ago. But surprise, surprise, the guy was gone.

Quest squinted around, trying to spot the mysterious figure. "I didn't see anyone around," he said, sounding a bit skeptical.

Dynasty's heart was racing, trying to figure out what the heck just happened. Did he imagine the whole thing? Or was that dude more than he seemed?

As they exchanged confused looks, Dynasty couldn't shake the feeling that he stumbled onto something way bigger than him, something that was gonna keep him up at night, long after the stranger disappeared into the darkness.

"Maybe I just need some sleep," Dynasty muttered, rubbing his temples.

Quest nodded, though he kept scanning the area with narrowed eyes. "Yeah, could be. Or maybe you've been watching too many conspiracy videos again."

Dynasty chuckled, but it was a weak sound. "Yeah, maybe." He started walking, with Quest falling in step beside him. But his mind was still on the stranger. There was something about him, something that didn't sit right.

As they turned the corner, heading towards their usual hangout spot, Dynasty couldn't help but glance over his shoulder. The street was empty, the shadows long and eerie under the dim streetlights. He shook his head, trying to shake off the lingering sense of unease.

Quest slapped him on the back, a little harder than necessary. "Come on, man. Let's hit up the arcade. A few rounds of Beat 'Em Up should clear your head."

Dynasty forced a smile. "Yeah, sounds good."

But as they made their way to the arcade, Dynasty couldn't stop thinking about the stranger. He had a nagging suspicion that this was just the beginning, that the shady dude was a sign of things to come. And whatever it was, it was going to turn his world upside down.

As they reached the neon-lit entrance of the arcade, Dynasty hesitated for a moment. He felt like he was standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down into the unknown. With a deep breath, he pushed the feeling aside and stepped inside, determined to lose himself in the flashing lights and familiar sounds of the games.

But the stranger's face was burned into his memory, and Dynasty knew it wouldn't be long before he found himself drawn back into the mystery.

The arcade was buzzing with the usual energy: kids crowded around their favorite games, the electronic sounds blending into a chaotic symphony. Dynasty and Quest made their way to their go-to machine, a classic Beat 'em Up game with pixelated characters and vibrant, retro graphics.

As they started their first round, Dynasty struggled to focus. His mind kept drifting back to the stranger and the unsettling feeling that had settled in his gut. He barely noticed when Quest elbowed him, pulling him back into the game.

"Dude, you're zoning out," Quest said, his eyes still on the screen. "What's up with you tonight?"

Dynasty shrugged, trying to shake off the unease. "Just can't get that guy out of my head. It was like he was... I don't know, out of place or something."

Quest paused the game, turning to face Dynasty. "Look, man, maybe it was nothing. But if it bothers you that much, we can keep an eye out. See if he shows up again."

Dynasty nodded, appreciating the support. "Yeah, thanks, Quest. I just have this feeling that he's not done with me yet."

As they resumed their game, a figure outside the arcade caught Dynasty's eye. He quickly glanced towards the entrance, but the person was gone before he could get a good look. He shook his head, trying to convince himself it was just his imagination.

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