Chapter II : She and Psychology

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[Girl POV]

As the girl hurried down the corridor, her heartbeat quickened with each step. She mentally kicked herself for losing track of time yet again. The conversation with her professor had been so engrossing, delving into the intricacies of her upcoming research project on cognitive psychology, that she hadn't noticed the minutes slipping away.

"I can't believe I'm going to be late on the first day," she muttered to herself, pushing herself to move faster. Her mind raced with thoughts of making a good impression, especially since she was new to the university and eager to establish herself among her peers.

Finally reaching the auditorium, she paused for a moment to catch her breath and smooth down her ruffled clothes. With a deep breath to steady herself, she pushed open the doors and slipped inside, hoping she hadn't missed too much of the assembly.

As she made her way down the aisle, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the attention her late arrival garnered. But her determination to make the most of her time at the university overshadowed any feelings of self-consciousness. She composed herself quickly, offering a sheepish smile to the crowd before turning her attention to Dynasty and the others.

"I'm sorry for interrupting," she said, her voice carrying a soft yet confident tone. "My name is Ma. Gabriela Celestial Abacan. I'm a third-year psychology student here."

Dynasty's curiosity piqued even further at the mention of her background in psychology. He found himself admiring her confidence and poise despite the unexpected entrance.

"No need to apologize, Celestial," Dynasty replied with a friendly smile. "It's nice to meet you. What brought you to this university?"

Celestial returned his smile, her demeanor relaxed now that the initial tension had passed. "I've always been fascinated by the human mind and behavior," she explained. "And I heard this university has an excellent psychology program. Plus, the opportunity to explore new perspectives and meet people from diverse backgrounds was too good to pass up."

As Celestial spoke, Dynasty found himself nodding in agreement, impressed by her determination and passion for her field of study.

As the General Assembly came to a close, Dynasty, Celestial, and the rest of the students began to disperse, each heading toward their respective paths. Dynasty turned to Celestial with a warm smile.

"Well, Celestial, it looks like our paths may cross again soon," he remarked, his tone filled with genuine interest.

Celestial returned his smile, feeling a sense of camaraderie already forming between them. "I certainly hope so, Dynasty," she replied, her voice reflecting her enthusiasm.

With a final nod of farewell, Dynasty and Celestial parted ways, each venturing off into the bustling campus to begin their academic journey. As Celestial navigated the maze of corridors, her mind buzzed with excitement for the opportunities that awaited her at the university. She was eager to dive into her studies, connect with her peers, and make the most of her time there.

As she walked, Celestial couldn't shake the feeling that her encounter with Dynasty was just the beginning of something significant. With a determined stride, she looked forward to the adventures and friendships that lay ahead in this new chapter of her life. The campus was bustling with activity, students hurrying, groups gathered in lively discussions, and the distant hum of excitement filling the air.

Passing by the campus bookstore, Celestial paused to browse through the shelves, her eyes lighting up at the array of books and study materials on display. Lost in thought, she didn't notice the student approaching until they spoke.

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