Chapter XI : Events!

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As Dynasty settled into his study routine at Quest's home, thoughts of joining Psi-Omega swirled in his mind. The fraternity was well-known for its strong connections and influence on campus, and after the day's interactions with Clear, Battle, and Train, Dynasty was seriously considering what it could offer him.

A few hours later, as evening turned into night, Dynasty's phone buzzed with a reply from Train:

"Great to hear you're interested! I'll talk to Clear and Battle, and we'll arrange a meet-up to discuss the next steps. No pressure—just a chance for you to learn more about the fraternity and see if it's a good fit for you."

Dynasty read the message, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He knew that joining Psi-Omega would mean taking on new responsibilities and becoming part of a close-knit group. But the idea of expanding his network and gaining new experiences was appealing.

Just as Dynasty was about to put his phone down, it buzzed again. This time, it was a message from Quest:

"Hey, just got back home. Wanna grab a bite to eat? We could talk about your day and anything else on your mind."

Dynasty smiled, appreciating Quest's offer. He hadn't had much time to reflect on the day's events, and catching up with Quest sounded like a good idea. He quickly responded:

"Sounds good! I could use a break. Let's grab something from the nearby café."

A few minutes later, Dynasty and Quest were walking to the café they frequented. The night air was cool and refreshing, a welcome change from the day's activities. As they walked, Quest noticed that Dynasty seemed deep in thought.

"You seem like you've got a lot on your mind," Quest observed. "Something happen today?"

Dynasty nodded. "Nothing much, I'm consider joining to Psi-Omega, and I'm seriously thinking about it."

Quest raised an eyebrow. "Wow, that's a big step. What made you interested?"

Dynasty paused, gathering his thoughts. "I guess it's the idea of being part of something bigger, you know? I've been focusing on my studies and friendships, but I think Psi-Omega could offer more opportunities and connections. Plus, after talking to Train and the others, it seems like a good group of people."

Quest nodded thoughtfully. "I get that. Just make sure you're joining for the right reasons. Fraternities can be great, but they also come with their own set of challenges. If you do decide to join, know that I'll support you. But remember, you don't have to prove anything to anyone."

Dynasty appreciated Quest's advice. "Thanks, Quest. I'll definitely think it through. By the way, Battle was asking when you're coming back to Psi-Omega."

Quest chuckled, shaking his head. "I figured that would come up. I've been on a break for a while, focusing on other things. I'm not sure if or when I'll go back, but I appreciate their support. It's something I'll consider when the time feels right."

As they reached the café, they ordered their usuals and found a quiet corner to sit and eat. The atmosphere was relaxed, with a few other students scattered around, enjoying late-night snacks or catching up on work.

Between bites, Quest changed the subject. "So, how's everything else going? Any other interesting encounters today?"

Dynasty laughed, recounting the moment when Train had teased him about Theory. "Train called me a 'womanizer' in front of Theory and the others. It was embarrassing, but it's all in good fun."

Quest grinned. "Sounds like Train. Don't let it get to you. Besides, who's Theory?"

Dynasty shrugged, still smiling. "She's an Education student and a hiatus member of the Arts Club. We actually met at 7/11 last night. Today, we ended up working together on a mural for the Arts Club. She's easy to talk to, and it was nice to collaborate with her. We're both helping out at the Arts event this weekend."

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