Chapter XII : Party

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Dynasty returned home and was about to unwind from the evening when he received a notification from Clear. It was a message letting him know that he had been added to the Psi-Omega group chat titled "Psi-Omega Officials."

Curious, Dynasty opened the chat and was greeted by a stream of messages from various members. The chat was buzzing with activity, and he saw names and faces of Psi-Omega members he hadn't yet met. Among the flurry of activity, Clear's message stood out.

"Hello everyone! I'm excited to announce that we have a new member joining us—Dynasty! Let's all give him a warm welcome! "

Dynasty felt a surge of excitement as he read the messages welcoming him. The responses were enthusiastic and friendly, making him feel immediately at ease.

"Welcome to Psi-Omega, Dynasty!" — Battle

"Glad you're here, looking forward to working with you!" — Train

"Hope you're ready for a great time with us!" — Another member

Amidst the welcoming messages, Clear sent another update: "Also, we're throwing a party tomorrow night to celebrate new beginnings and upcoming projects. It's going to be at my place starting at 8 PM. It'll be a great chance for everyone to get to know each other better. Hope to see you all there!"

Dynasty read the announcement with interest. A party sounded like a fun way to meet everyone and integrate into the group more smoothly. He replied to the chat:

"Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I'm looking forward to the party tomorrow night. See you there!"

Clear responded promptly: "Great to hear, Dynasty! The party will be a casual affair, so come ready to relax and have fun. We'll discuss some of our upcoming plans and projects too. See you then!"

Dynasty felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as he prepared for the party. It would be his first opportunity to mingle with the entire Psi-Omega group in a relaxed setting, and he was eager to make a good impression.

As he prepared for bed, he thought about the new chapter ahead and the chance to solidify his place within Psi-Omega. The upcoming party promised to be a lively event and a perfect way to kick off his journey with the fraternity.

In the next morning, Dynasty and Celestial met up to put finishing touches on their artwork for the mental health project. They worked diligently, making sure everything was ready for the event. Their collaboration went smoothly, and they managed to complete the artwork just in time.

After helping Celestial, Dynasty headed to his classes. The day was busy, but he was energized by the success of the previous night and the progress on their project. The events of the past few days had given him a strong sense of purpose and excitement about his role with Psi-Omega and the upcoming mental health event.

Dynasty returned home to fix himself for the party.

As Dynasty was getting ready to head out for the party, Quest walked into the living room, noticing his dressed-up appearance.

"Hey, Dynasty, where are you off to?" Quest asked, intrigued.

Dynasty smiled, adjusting his outfit. "I'm heading to a party at Clear's place. It's a welcome event for new members of Psi-Omega."

Quest's expression changed slightly, a mix of nostalgia and curiosity. "Psi-Omega, huh? I used to be part of that fraternity. I guess things are still buzzing there."

Dynasty nodded, sensing the history behind Quest's words. "Yeah, it should be a great time. I'm excited to meet everyone and get more involved."

Seeing Quest's thoughtful look, Dynasty added, "If you're interested, you're welcome to join us. It could be a good chance for you to reconnect with some of the members."

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