Where There Is Death There Is Always Death

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china's P.O.V

as I lay here on the hospital bed freaking out why I am here and then I saw  trey ,craig  , craig number 2 my  English teacher and ray and all the girls surprisingly Christina she really is a good friend. taylor then explained everything to me whild jazz was still in the next room recovering from the seizer. i was totally scared so i screamed " i want some answers now" then quickly my mom came in with my dad. i started to cry and i fell out the bed and i just remembered all the bittersweet moments i spent with him and jacob i just couldnt believe it i was on the ground for a few mintues until my dad held me and put me in the bed like he did when i was a kid , i was up all night watching television and i fall a sleep and he comes in from work at 2 or 3 in the morning and he held me by my waist and put me over his shoulders like i was a sack of potatoes . i just loved that feeling, i just really missed him but still i want answers to why i am in here i said to my mom.

mrs morgan: well sweetie you got the knife or what ever it was and cut yourself the wrong place and too deep thats why you have that IVY thing or what ever it is in your hand ohh dear excuse me and those doctor things am not good at those sort of things

docotor: hey china sweetie how you doing?

you: im great my hand really hurts but im managing*as the guys stood there quiet*

docotor: well china why did you do it ?

you: do what

docotor: cut  your self and did youknow if you werent at the hospital in time you would have died

you: im sorry i didnt mean to its jus other girls at school are doing it and i thought it was the right time to and wait did you mean im on my death bed?

doctor: yhs you were and dont do something other people did.

you: i faked smiled at the doctor and then looked over where trey and the girls where standing i knew they were suspecting something but i pretended i didnt know and as for ray he looked at me with a face that said "why did i lie to the doctor and not to do it again" ahh he always knows everything its like he got a six sense. maybe its a gift given from God.christina really looked at me diappointed so did the others they maybe thought i was better than this but they really dont know me.

taylor: umm chi sorry to ditch you but we are going to jazz room the nurse just told me she expecting us

you: i know they were lying because the nurse didnt come but they were going and visit jazzmaine oh my gosh its really my fault for everything for jazz's seizer and me dying and the disappointment and for jacob leaving, i really am a screw up.

craig number 2: no its not and you arent a screw up i was there when he trunt himself in. he wanted to because he wanted a normal life with you  and he is tired of running well that part he told me in the cell he loves you china just stop with it and thinks things through before you do cray stuff and study it remember your teacher is reading and then writng everything to jake . becareful chi.

you: thanks so much you mean the world to me i hope you would help watch over me.

craig: no problem you know i love you like a daughter.

you: i love you too.


you: omg mommy daddy come quick then the nurse and the guys and everyone came even jazzmaine.

jazzmaine: i-i-i-is-s-s is that craig

craig: yea man who did this he was such a good man. docotor carry him in the emergency room he needs help now dont let him now the other half of me is dead.

you: it happened so fast and i was just talking to him when he said he loved me like a daughter now he's ... dead

ray: no china have faith in him maybe he isnt just hope and pray.

christina: china no matter what t i am always here for you no matter what we all are.

trey: i know who did this.

craig: who do you know you were with us .

trey: just shut up and listen okay.

craig: ohh ok

trey: well it obvious that it's jessica she is the only one looking for china to kill her and she is going for the people close to her so therefore we all in danger.

ray: you are so right i can remember that night like it was yesterday.

trey:thats why we have to trust nobody , we all alone. so get yall selves together cause we got training to do cause we got a battle to win

craig: training bitch we didnt need no training from since we were little so come on we will see u girls later at my place, we going training to get our aim right.

trey: man wat did i tell u

jessica's P.O.V. 

i saw them all talking bout in that hospital room but they got another thing comming ,they dont know im here watching them every move they make im one step ahead they cant fool me ,i was in this bussiness before them, hahaha silly children.

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