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Hi everyone!!! It's been just about 3?????? years! Im so sorry to everyone who was expecting updates and their requests to be done, but I can assure you I will work on those asap! I have a few drafts written out that need finished and then I'll post those just to kinda give you guys more than just and update. Thank you all for the comments and likes I really appreciate them even after so long.
If you guys want an update on me, don't feel obligated to read if you don't want to, I've graduated high school, got a job, and have just kinda been coasting on by. Im 19 now and still in my fanfic writing phase. I've got a alt account on tumblr I'm using, if anyone wants to go ahead and read those just comment or message me for the @.  But anyways, give me about a day or two and a new story will be up 😋👍🏻
Again thank you all for the support you've given me through the years!

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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