A/N Requests and stuff

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Hey people, my name's Emma. As you can tell I'm gonna be doing a one shot book on the Holland Bois and Harrison.

I do cuss in these

If you have a request here's the info I'll need from you~~
•Which boy
•Smut/Fluff (I am not doing smuts for paddy.)
•Description of story plot (how you want it to go)
•Relationship they have now (crushing/already dating/ect.)

If you do request, private message me on here. I'll message you when it's up or at least try to.

One thing you'll need to understand is I'm still in school and I'm not the most mentally stable at the moment, so there is not a set schedule like the one I was planning to have.

I am putting Paddy on here since most of us are his age, but I do ask that if you are an adult you stray away from reading the paddy one shots.

Please vote and all that good stuff so I know someone is reading👌

And this isn't really about the book but, if any of you are feeling depressed or something I'm here for you if you need me.

I DONT DO TAGS!!!!! I HATE THOSE. I PREFER TO READ THE STORY. Along with that being said, if I have an A/N I will either put it at the end of a chapter or I will make a separate one and post a one shot the same day.

Please read my A/Ns.

A little about me cuz, *Violently sharkinf arms* FUCK!! I'm 13, I'm emo, fat depressed, happy, ect. Literally that's it... Yeah well uh bye. Have fun reading.

(I'm fifteen now, barely anything has changed. Please ignore the paragraph above me, it's so fucking cringe.)

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