A Little Troublesome - Harry x reader

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Y/n's POV

"Miss L/n! This is your 12th detention this month! Why must you be such a trouble?" My English teacher yelled at me in a raspy female voice. She's an old lady, white hair with hints of gray that's always in a bun, tons of wrinkles, huge glasses with strings attached, grayish brown eyes, and a saggy pair of tits.

Basically Jimmy Nutron's teacher.

"I can't help it, Mrs. Lenom." I said with a bored tone. Mrs. Lenom is actually one of my great aunts, one of my favorites even.

"Yes, well, you have a friend joining you this evening. If I recall it was the one boy you would always bring up in our conversations. I believe his name is..." She paused putting on a fake thinking face," Henry?" She put on a mischievous grin knowing that wasn't his name at all.

I sighed and looked up with a smirk, "Harry. My dear good old aunt you must be suffering from alzheimer's!"

"But I still know some things, dear! I'll give you and Harry some time to yourselves." She said with a sly smirk.

All of a sudden we hear a knock from the door.  The door slowly opens to reveal a curly haired Burnett. It was Harry.

"I'm here for detention, Miss?" He trailed off into a question.

"Mrs. Lenom, dear. If you'll just have a seat next to Miss L/n." My aunt kindly said pointing towards me.

Harry nodded his head and made his way to the seat on my left. I looked towards him with a questioning look.

"What are you in here for?" I asked. His chocolate eyes darted towards me as he had a slight grin.

"Well according to my teachers I 'talked back' to her." He replied, making quotation marks gestures.

I grinned as well seeing he was fine with being here. I was about to ask what he had said to make his teacher mad but got interrupted by Mrs. Lenom.

"Well, I must be off. I need to make some copies for next weeks class. I'll be back in around half an hour." She about walked out the door with a stack of papers clinging to her side until she turned around with a smirk.

"Please don't be too troublesome while I am gone." She nodded her head once before taking her leave.

Harry and I sat in silence for a couple of minutes before he asked a question, "What do we do now?"

I brought my e/c eyes over to his brown iris's.  I loved the way he looked; his button up nose, the many small angel kisses that were spread across his cheeks, even his sharp jawline that could cut diamonds.

I couldn't even think of his curly brown hair without melting.

"Y/n?" His voice pulled me from my day dream.

"Oh, we can uh, we can do whatever we want really." I said avoiding his gaze.

He leaned back in his chair and plopped his feet on the desk and crossed his arms behind his head.

"Well..." He paused looking out the window. "What do you want to do?" He asked as his eyes dragged towards my figure.

I sat there thinking for a moment before standing and walking towards the front of the class. As I reached Mrs. Lenom's desk I grabbed the black sharpie that sat next to her computer.

I made my way back to my seat next to Harry. Before sitting down I offered my hand towards him to take it.

He gave me a questioning look before placing his left hand in mine. Once I gripped his hand I sat in my seat and layed his hand on my thigh.

Holland Boys x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now